News Releases
Inter-religious workshop to be held in Cambodia
Posted On 21 October 2003An inter-religious workshop on Conflict transformation and the study of peace will be held from December 8 to 12 at Phnom Penh in Cambodia. The workshop is being organised jointly by the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), Federation of Asian Bishops Conference (FABC) and the Asian Muslim Action…General Committee Meeting
Posted On 18 October 2003The CCA General Committee will meet on October 22-26, 2003 at the Bangkok Christian Guest House in Bangkok, Thailand. Among the agenda lined up for the meeting are the reports of the CCA General Secretary and Acting Associate General Secretary for Finance; reports on the 12th General Assembly…Update on the CCA General Assembly Plans
Posted On 16 September 2003A preparatory sub-committee on theme and issues of the CCA General Assembly met on 13 September in Hong Kong and reflected on the GA theme, "Building Communities of Peace for All". The committee will prepare a study booklet explaining why this theme in light of the glaring absence of peace in Asia…CCA General Secretary Calls for an "Ecumenical Horticulture in Our Time"
Posted On 30 June 2003During the Joint Programme Area Committees meeting in Cipayung, Indonesia, June 21-26, CCA General Secretary Ahn Jae Woong suggested a "re-invention" of the ecumenical movement using the image of an ecumenical horticulture. By this he meant processes of planting new seeds, watering a new spirit,…Towards a Roadmap for Peace in Korea
Posted On 16 June 2003Representatives of American and Korean churches, humanitarian agencies, the United Nations, academia and other sectors meet in Washington, DC on June 16-18 to press for a "Korean roadmap" for lasting peace and prosperity on the Korean peninsula. Building on their longstanding relationship, Korean…In Quest of Pedagogies of Encounter
Posted On 27 May 2003How do we build communities of peace and justice in Asia? What pedagogies of encounter with the other will help build communities? These are some of the questions behind the theme, Building Communities: Asians in Search of New Pedagogies of Encounter, which will be the focus of the Fourth Congress…Tourism, Tradition and Terrorism
Posted On 09 May 2003The representatives of civil society, academe and religious bodies from Australia, Bangladesh, Burma, France, Germany, Hong Kong (China), India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand met in Bangkok at the Consultation on Tourism, Traditions and Terrorism during April 28 - May 1, 2003. In…