CCA Christmas message 2003

To our sisters and brothers, partners on the ecumenical journey:
We greet you as Christmas approaches, inspite of living in an age of uncertainties created by war, terrorism, violence, conflicts, and economic globalization. As we welcome the child Jesus, our humble gentle saviour, may we too, welcome all who are trusting, humble and gentle. We all need courage to seek the way of transformation, our old thoughts and ideologies, habits and customs, beliefs and practices. As we long for the peace that the world cannot give, may we struggle together for building communities of peace for all, along with people of other faiths and no faiths. May the God who created and yet more wonderfully restored the dignity of human nature be with us all, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, this Christmas.
Jesus said: I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world, you face persecution. But take courage, I have conquered the world! John 16:33 (NRSV)
May God bless us all!
Rev Jennifer Dawson, President (Aotearoa-New Zealand)
Dr Wong Wai Ching, President (Hong Kong)
Most Rev Dr Joseph Mar Irenaeus, President (India)
Mr Anthony Row, President (Malaysia)
Mr Israel Paulraj, Honorary Treasurer (Sri Lanka)
Dr Ahn Jae Woong, General Secretary (Korea)
12 November 2003