CCA Publications

christian conference of Asia, Asia christianity
Programme Reports - 2023
Programme Reports - 2023
From Jakarta to Kottayam - Reports of the CCA's Programmes and Activities from 2015 to 2023
From Jakarta to Kottayam - Reports of the CCA's Programmes and Activities from 2015 to 2023
15th CCA General Assembly Handbook
15th CCA General Assembly Handbook
Prophetic Echoes - A Journey of Advocacy and Action.pdf
Prophetic Echoes - A Journey of Advocacy and Action
Reports of the General Secretary to the Executive Committee from 2015 to 2023
Reports of the General Secretary to the Executive Committee from 2015 to 2023
CCA consensus Principles and Practices
CCA consensus Principles and Practices
Programme Report 2022
Programme Report 2022
CCA Webinar Series on the COVID-19 Crisis: Emerging Issues and Concerns in Asia
CCA Webinar Series on the COVID-19 Crisis: Emerging Issues and Concerns in Asia
Official Report of the 14th General Assembly of the Christian Conference of Asia Living Together in the Household of God
Official Report of the 14th General Assembly of the Christian Conference of Asia Living Together in the Household of God
Programe Report 2021
Programe Report 2021
Programe Report 2020
Programe Report 2020
Programme Report 2019
Programme Report 2019
Programme Report 2018
Programme Report 2018
Report of the Asian Ecumenical Youth Assembly
Report of the Asian Ecumenical Youth Assembly
Lord, Send Your Light and Truth to Lead Us
Report of the Asian Ecumenical Youth Assembly
Towards Revitalising the Ecumenical Movement in Asia Report of the International Consultation
Towards Revitalising the Ecumenical Movement in Asia Report of the International Consultation
Asia Mission Conference 2017
Asia Mission Conference 2017
Programme Report 2017
Programme Report 2017
Programme Report 2016
Programme Report 2016
2011 Jul-Dec Program Report
2011 Jul-Dec Program Report
2011 Jan-June Program Report
2011 Jan-June Program Report
2010 July-Dec Program Report
2010 July-Dec Program Report
2010 Jan-June Program Report
2010 Jan-June Program Report
2009-2010 Annual Report
2009 July Dec Program Report
PROGRAM REPORT January to June 2009
2008 Oct-Dec Program Report
2008 Oct-Dec Program Report
2008 April-June Program Report
2008 Jan-March Program Report
2008 Jan-March Program Report
2007 October December Program Report
2007 July-September Program Report
2007 July September Program Report
2007 April June Program Report
2007 April June Program Report
2007 Jan Mar Program Report
2007 Jan-Mar Program Report
Indo-China Today - S001
S003 (Out of print)
Indo-China Today
The articles in this book analyse the emerging trends, highlighting internal socio-political and economic developments in Indochina. They were presented in a consultation organized by the CCA-WCC Indochina Programme on Emerging Trends in Indochina (Phnom Penh 1994). Edited by Mathews George Chunakara.
Hong Kong 1994, 118 pp, US$5
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Church, Environment, Development In Asia - S002
Church, Environment, Development In Asia
A report of the workshop on Environment and Development: Church’s Response to Environment in Asia (Jakarta, 1995). Published by CCA Development and Service.
Hong Kong 1995, 90 pp, US$5
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Creation and Spirituality: Asian Women Expressing Christian Faith through Art - S003
Creation and Spirituality: Asian Women Expressing Christian Faith through Art
A result of the First Consultation of Asian Christian Women Artists (Hong Kong, 1992), jointly sponsored by the Asian Christian Art Association and CCA Women’s Desk. The volume captures the reflections of artists around the issues of: images of women, spiritual journey of the artist, and solidarity with people. Edited by Rebecca Lozada and Alison O’Grady,
Hong Kong 1995, 84 pp, US$5
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Ecumenical Response to Indo China - S004
Ecumenical Response to Indo China
Report, including papers, of the Asian Church Leaders’ Conference on Ecumenical Response to Indochina. Edited by Mathews George Chunakara.
Hong Kong 1995, 129 pp , US$5
christian conference of Asia, CCA
The Place Where God Dwells - S005
The Place Where God Dwells
By Masao Takenaka. Published by Christian Conference of Asia and Asian Christian Art Association in association with Pace Publishing, Auckland-New Zealand.
Hong Kong 1995, 112 pp, hardcover: US$30.00
christian conference of Asia, CCA
God, Christ and God’s People in Asia - S006
God, Christ and God’s People in Asia
Report of a theological consultation on the theme “Through a New Vision of God Towards the New Humanity in Christ” (Kyoto 1994). Contains presentations, especially from the perspective of the so-called marginalized groups in Asia, by: Dr. Kim Yong Bock (Korea), Ms. Rose Wu (Hong Kong), Dr. Ann Patel-Gray (Australia), Bishop Muru Walters (Aotearoa-New Zealand), Prof. Terua Kuribayashi (Japan), Rev. P. Mohan Larbeer (India) and Dr. V. Devasahayam (India). Edited by Dhyanchand Carr.
Hong Kong 1995, 147 pp, US$5
christian conference of Asia, CCA
From Prapat to Colombo - S007
From Prapat to Colombo
A history of the Christian Conference of Asia (1957-1995), written by Yap Kim Hao, the General Secretary of CCA from 1973 to 1985.
Hong Kong 1995, 205pp, US$10
christian conference of Asia, CCA
The Hidden History of Christianity in Asia – The Churches of the East Before 1500 - S008
The Hidden History of Christianity in Asia – The Churches of the East Before 1500
Written by John C. England. This book provides a survey of the history of Chrstianity in the Asian region, from the second to the fifteenth centuries, that is, prior to the coming of western colonial powers in the region. An attempt has been made to ‘see whole’ the story of the entire eastward movement of Christianity in this period, and to make available results of the very extensive discoveries and research made over some centuries. Published jointly by the Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (ISPCK) and CCA.
Delhi 1996, , 203 pp, paperback: US$9.50
Our Forbidden Tales and Stories - S009
S011 (Out of print)
Our Forbidden Tales and Stories
Report of the Workshop on Violence Against Women (Hong Kong, 1996). Published by CCA Women’s Concerns.
Hong Kong 1996, 65 pp, US$5
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Landmines: Deadly Weapons, Invisible Enemy - S010
Landmines: Deadly Weapons, Invisible Enemy
Published by CCA-WCC Indochina Program, this booklet contains educational information regarding landmines.
Hong Kong 1996, 37 pp, US$2

christian conference of Asia, CCA
Indochina: From Socialism to Market Economy - S011
Indochina: From Socialism to Market Economy
This book provides an objective analysis on problems and prospects of transition to market economic reforms in Indochina. Edited by Mathews George Chunakara.
Hong Kong 1996, 125 pp, US$5

christian conference of Asia, CCA
A Bible Scan of Ecological and Environmental Disasters: Genesis to Revelation - S012
A Bible Scan of Ecological and Environmental Disasters: Genesis to Revelation
Highlights environmental and ecological disasters in the books of the Bible then uses these accounts for analysis of their impact on persons, communities, peoples and nations and on the earth itself. Provides Biblical instances of healing and contemporary responses to disasters. Sponsored by CCA, WCC, ACISCA, NCC Japan (Kyoto, Nov. 30 – Dec. 5, 1997.) Written by Jose Pepito M. Cunanan.
Hong Kong 1997, 127pp, US$5
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Reconciliation – Reunification - S013
S015 (Out of print)
Reconciliation – Reunification
The Ecumenical approach to Korean peninsula, based on historical documents. Written by Park Kyung Seo, the Asia Secretary of the WCC since 1982 up to now. He shares several valuable insights on ecumenical involvement for the reunification of Korea. With a foreword from Feliciano Carino, General Secretary of CCA. Published by CCA.
Hong Kong 1998, 239 pp, paperback:US$10.00
christian conference of Asia, CCA
The Blasphemy Law in Pakistan and Its Impact - S014
The Blasphemy Law in Pakistan and Its Impact
Published by CCA’s International Affairs desk this booklet analyzes the impact of Pakistan’s Blasphemy Law and similar laws. Edited by Mathews George Chunakara.
Hong Kong 1998, 36pp, US$2

christian conference of Asia, CCA
Peace and Reconciliation in North-East India - S015
S017 (Out of print)
Peace and Reconciliation in North-East India
Published by CCA’s International Affairs desk this booklet contains two articles, one on healing and reconciliation and the other on the “People of North-East India.” Edited by Mathews George Chunakara.
Hong Kong 1998, 43pp, US$2
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Globalization and Its Impact on Human Rights - S016
S018 (Out of print)
Globalization and Its Impact on Human Rights
Selected presentations from the CCA Consultation on “Globalization and its impact on Human Rights” held at the Ecumenical Christian Centre, Whitefield, Bangalore, India from Feb. 26 to Mar. 2, 1998. An analysis of ethical and theological considerations with regards to globalization. Edited by Mathews George Chunakara.
Hong Kong 1998, 165pp, US$10
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Climate Change: A Challenge to Sustainable Development in Asia - S017
S019 (Out of print)
Climate Change: A Challenge to Sustainable Development in Asia
Contains papers presented at the Inter-religious Consultation on Climate Change jointly sponsored by CCA, WCC, ACISCA (Association of Christian Institutes for Social Concerns in Asia) and NCC Japan (Kyoto, November 30 – December 5, 1997). Published by CCA Development and Service Desk.
Hong Kong 1998, 185 pp, US$10
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Christian Muslim Dialogue on Human Rights Solidarity - S018
Christian Muslim Dialogue on Human Rights Solidarity
Papers from the Consultation on “Christian Muslim Dialogue on Human Rights Solidarity” held in Bangkok, Thailand from Sept. 6-8, 1999 published by CCA’s International Affairs desk. This booklet is intended to promote reflection and action in initiating Christian – Muslim dialogue. Edited by Mathews George Chunakara.
Hong Kong 1999, 80pp, US$5

christian conference of Asia, CCA
Time for Fullness of Life for All: Biblical and Theological Reflections - S019
S021 (Out of print)
Time for Fullness of Life for All: Biblical and Theological Reflections
This booklet contains six Bible biblical and theological reflections on the theme of the 11th General Assembly of CCA in Tomohon, Indonesia, 1 – 6 June 2000.
Hong Kong 2000, 52pp, US$5
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Time for Fullness of Life for All – Assembly Worship Book - S020
S022 (Out of print)
Time for Fullness of Life for All – Assembly Worship Book
This book contains six daily liturgies, including songs, based on the theme of the Assembly, ‘Time for Fullness of Life for All’, and was used during daily worship during the CCA General Assembly in Tomohon, 1 – 6 June 2000.
Hong Kong 2000, 50pp, US$5
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Colombo to Tomohon: Christian Conference of Asia 1995 – 2000 - S021
S023 (Out of print)
Colombo to Tomohon: Christian Conference of Asia 1995 – 2000
What has been going on in the life of the Christian Conference of Asia and what has it been doing since its Tenth General Assembly in Colombo? The reports and narratives in these pages attempt to answer these questions. What is recorded in these pages highlights the main issues in the agenda of the CCA over these five years, the activities that have been undertaken to respond to them and the relationships that have been built to manifest its life. Hopefully it will give indication of life and work and a basis of discussion for the future.
Hong Kong 2000, 160 pp
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Sound the Bamboo – CCA Hymnal 2000 - S022
Sound the Bamboo – CCA Hymnal 2000
This new hymnal was launched at the 11th General Assembly in Tomohon in June 2000. It is the revised version of ‘Sound the Bamboo – CCA Hymnal 1990’. The new book contains 315 hymns in forty-one Asian languages. Eleven hymns from the 1990 edition were removed, and forty-six new ones, mostly from countries that were previously underrepresented, were added. Some hymns have been rewritten, rephrased or recomposed, but apart from one exception, the original numbering system has been retained for familiarity and continuity’s sake.
Taiwan 2000, 358 pp, US$15
christian conference of Asia, CCA
The People of God among All God’s Peoples: Frontiers in Christian Mission - S023
S025 (Out of print)
The People of God among All God’s Peoples: Frontiers in Christian Mission
This book has been published by CCA in collaboration with the Council for World Mission. It contains the report and the major papers presented at the Theological Roundtable sponsored by the two organizations held in Hong Kong on 11 – 17 November 1999. The primary purpose of the roundtable was to provide an occasion for initiating a rigorous, sustained and substantial ecumenical discussion and consideration of the critical issues of mission and missiology in this new era. There were five broad areas of discussion: theological and biblical perspectives on mission, the challenges of other religious traditions for understanding Christian mission, mission as social engagement, the challenge of the new world of technology for Christian mission and the relationships among proclamation, church and unity.
Hong Kong 2000, 371 pp, US$15
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Faith and Life in Contemporary Asian Realities - S024
Faith and Life in Contemporary Asian Realities
This publication contains the major papers presented at the Asia Conference on Church and Society held in Darwin, Australia, on 23 – 30 September 1999. The range of issues discussed include: faith and economic life, religious plurality and the roles of religions in economic, social and political life, a new world of communications and its challenges to church and society, migration, ecology, the changing ideological climate of church and society as we move towards the twenty-first century.
Hong Kong 2000, 285 pp, US$15
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Plurality, Power and Mission - S025
Plurality, Power and Mission
Intercontextual theological explorations on the role of religion in the new millennium.
Hong Kong 2000, 259 pp, US$15
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Christ for All People - S026
Christ for All People
Celebrating a world of Christian art. This book brings together more than 100 works that prove Christian art is alive and flourishing. From Brazil to Botswana, from norway to Nepal, contemporary artists hoin the great masters to shed light on the Jesus story in breathtaking new ways. This collection of works from 60 countries reveals the remarkable diversity and creativity of contemporary Chriatian artists.
The Asian Christian Art Association, 2001, 159 pp, US$30
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Stewards of all of Creation - S027
S029 (Out of print)
Stewards of all of Creation
Contains papers presented at CCA – Environmental Training 2001. The program aims to equip participants with holistic understanding, experiences and strategies to support and motivate churches in environmental protection and development in Asia. Edited by Mr. Carlos B. Mendoza.
Hong Kong 2001, 199 pp., US$5

christian conference of Asia, CCA
Our Pilgrimage in Hope - S028
S030 (Out of print)
Our Pilgrimage in Hope
This book was published by CCA in collaboration with the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conference. It contains the proceedings of the first three seminars of the Asian Movement for Christian Unity. (AMCU I, II, III)
Philippines 2001, 299pp., US$5
Refugees and their Right to Communicate: Perspective from South East Asia - S029
Refugees and their Right to Communicate: Perspective from South East Asia
The collection of articles in this volume affirms that communication is a human right and that a refugee’s right to communicate is absolutely central to his/her articulation and negotiation of other fundamental rights. The articles in this volume have been placed under five sections. The first is an introductory section. The second section explores the right to communication, in theory and practice. Section three highlights how refugees are represented or misrepresented in the media in south-east Asia. the representation. Section four highlights refugee organizations and their use of the media. The final section carries an article on the situation of refugees in South Asia. Most of the material in this volume was generated from a consultation held in Bangkok in November 2000 co-hosted by WACC, CCA and AR-WACC.
CCA, Hong Kong and WACC, United Kingdom, 2001 140 pp. US$10
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Visioning New Life Together Among Asian Religions - S030
Visioning New Life Together Among Asian Religions
This publication contains the major papers presented at the Third Congress of Asian Theologians [CATS III] held in Yogjakarta, Indonesia, on 6-11 August 2001.
Hong Kong 2002, 299 pp, US$10
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Search for better Tomorrow - S031
Search for better Tomorrow
Contains papers presented at the Consultation on “Earth is our Home: A Religious Response to Climate Change in Asia.”
Hong Kong 2002, 126 pp., US$5

christian conference of Asia, CCA
Spirituality of Common Future - S032
Spirituality of Common Future Asia-Africa Beyond Globalization
The Spirit of Bandung functions as the ‘mastermind’ among the Asians and the Africans in this struggle for freedom. “The Spirit of Bandung” has great historical significance ‘shaped by tribulations which have exacted a heavy toll in life, in material things, and in the things of the spirit’. it was born among the “smugglers of the spirit of independence” [from colonialists and imperialists] in Asia and Africa. The Seminar and Workshop on “Asia Africa Beyond Globalization: The Spirit of Bandung and a New World Order”, held at Maranatha Christian University, Bandung-Indonesia from June 25-27, 2002, was another call to address the Spirit of Bandung and support the idea to vonvene the Second Bandung Conference in 2005.
The Spirit of bandung cannot die. It wil continue to stay, as a beacon guiding the future progress of Asia and Africa… [Read short abstract]
Hong Kong 2002, 179 pp, US$10
christian conference of Asia, CCA
The Korean Minjung in Christ - S033
The Korean Minjung in Christ by David Kwang Sun Suh
Due to popular demand, this book which was first printed in January 1991, was reprinted in November 2002. The book contains the socio-historical biography of the author David Kwang Sun Suh. He says, “The theology of Minjung is a socio-historical biographs of myself, my father and my mother, under the Japanese occupation. At the same time, it is a theological story of the Korean Christians in the political struggle for freedom in the 1970’s in Korea.”
Thailand 2002, 198pp, US$5
christian conference of Asia, CCA
The Poor Woman - S034
S035 (Out of print)
The Poor Woman
A Critical Analysis of Asian Theology and Contemporary Chinese Fiction by Women
by Wong Wai Ching

For more than five decades, Asian theologians have foregrounded Western constructions of the colonizer and the colonized, asserting in the process, strong national and thereby regional identity. The most conspicuous result is found in the over-generalized representation of women in “the poor woman” – a victim of imperialism of the West and all the social and political problems of Asian countries, and conversely, a fighter and rebel who fights for her fate and destiny despite extremely unfavourable circumstances under colonialism and its aftermath. This study of the fiction of Hong Kong women writers is therefore an attempt to introduce a rich and complex discourse of women into the monolithic representation of women in Asian theological discourse, and hence its implication to an alternative theological formulation, and in this particular case, an alternative to the formulation of Asian feminist Christology.
Peter Lang 2002, 176 pp, US$52
christian conference of Asia, CCA
“Memoir in Dialogue” - S035
“Memoir in Dialogue” by Wolfgang R. Schmidt.
The book is a collection of personal reflections by Dr. Wolfgang Schmidt, a pastor, former missionary to Indonesia, who worked with Bread for the World in Germany as well as the World Council of Churches, then until retirement, was president of Basel Mission.
Seoul, Korea: CCA and CLSK, 2002 Price: US$15.00
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Scripture, Community and Mission: Essays in Honor of Preman Niles” - S036
“Scripture, Community and Mission: Essays in Honor of Preman Niles“
ed. Philip L. Wickeri

A festschrift for D. Preman Niles, the book is a collection of papers and presentation from a meeting on the same title, “Scripture, Community and Mission” organized under the Network for Theological Enquiry, a program of the Council for World Mission. The papers were either delivered or conceived in that meeting in Chennai, in January 2002, or solicited from those who have been close to Preman in his lifelong journey in mission. The book brings a variety of contributions from biblical scholars and theologians. The theme brings together three distinct yet interrelated and interwoven areas of interest, exploration and concern amongst individuals and communities of faith.
Hong Kong: CCA and CWM, 2002. Price: US$12.00 (Bulk orders US$9.00 – minimum 50 copies)
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Religious Education in Context of Plurality and Pluralism - S037
Religious Education in Context of Plurality and Pluralism
by Hope S. Antone

This book offers students, teachers and practitioners of Christian Education and Religious Education a way of contextualizing education theory. The book looks at Asian religious cultural plurality and critiques traditional typologies for dealing with it. It focuses on religious pluralism, which includes a commitment to one’s faith and openess to other faiths, and highlights the historical, educational, theological, biblical, and cultural bases for pluralism. Using “an invitation to the table community” as metaphor for religious education that deals with plurality and pluralism, the book suggests possibilities for relating education theory to other issues such as globalization, fundamentalism and the like.
CCA, Hong Kong and New Day Publishers, Philippines 2003. 142 pp. US$10
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Religious Education in Asia - S038
Religious Education in Asia
Challenges, Perspectives and Visions in the 21st Century

Through the initiative of the Ecumenical Formation, Gender Justice and Youth Empowerment Program Area of the CCA, 30 religious educators from 13 countries in Asia and the Pacific met in Chiang Mai in October 2001 to reflect on the theme “Religious Education in Asia: Challenges, Perspectives and Visions for the 21st Century.” It was a historic meeting. For the first time, religious educators had come to talk about common concerns and about how to move forward as they face the challenges of a changing Asia at the beginning of the new millenium. The results of the meeting have been put together as resource materials for ecumenical learning in Asia, developing two complementary resources. This is the first one which contains materials from the experiences and perspectives of participants. It explores the various aspects of religious education, from the point of the view of participants and as practiced in the different countries in Asia.
Hong Kong 2003, 84 pp., US$10
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Christ & The Tao - S039
Christ & The Tao
by KIM Heup Young

This volume is a collection of six essays that the author, Heup Young KIM, published in various journals over the past several years. They represent the early period of his theological journey into Christian faith as a Korean Christian or, an East Asian Christian. These essays deal primarily with religio-cultural themes related to his existential situation. Essays in this book reveal the cultural location and some basic insights of the author’s theology.
Hong Kong 2003, 185 pp, US$10
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Living in Oikoumene - S040
Living in Oikoumene
This booklet is a collection of the presentations made during the 45th anniversary celebration and international symposium of the Christian Conference of Asia on August 6-8 2002 in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong 2003, 128 pp, US$10
christian conference of Asia, CCA
To Seek Peace, Justice and Sustainable Lifestyle - S041
To Seek Peace, Justice and Sustainable Lifestyle
Participants from 14 Asian countries attended this Consultation on “Interfaith Cooperation in Asia” which held April 5-10 2003 in Parapat, North Sumatera, Indonesia.  The participants coming from the 4 major faiths of Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and Christianity met to seek the commonalities they share as a starting point for cooperation in working towards peace, justice and sustainable lifestyles.
Hong Kong 2003, 192 pp, US$10

christian conference of Asia, CCA
Your will be done on earth… - S042
Your will be done on earth…
This book, authored by Per Larsson, is an introduction to Ecological Theology, prepared as a manual for students at theological seminaries and other church related institutions in Asia. And also Christians faced with the threat of environmental destruction could find inspiration and guidelines for Christian thinking and action here.
Hong Kong 2004, 140 pp, US$10
christian conference of Asia, CCA
A History of the Ecumenical Movement in Asia - S043
A History of the Ecumenical Movement in Asia
This book by Ninan Koshy is a scholarly work based on considerable research, narrating and interpreting the evolution and development of one of the most significant movements of the twentieth century in Asia. The author has done a remarkable job in weaving together the varied histories of the Christian Conference of Asia, the Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs and the World Student Christian Federation Asia-Pacific Region, highlighting their common themes and concerns.
Hong Kong 2004, 384 pp, US$30
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Jesus of Galilee - S044
Jesus of Galilee
By Ahn Byung-Mu

Dr. Ahn Byung-Mu, the author of this book, was one of the leading minjung theologians who fought against the Park military dictatorship during 70s & 80s. He had gone to Germany for his study of historical Jesus in 1956-66. He returned to Korea & taught New Testament by applying the Biblical methods that he had studied in Germany. Finally after experience the self-transcending action of minjung and his own imprisonment, he began to live for and with minjung. Dr. Ahn turned his theological point of view on Jesus. With his new theological view, he began to read the Gospel and wrote this book “Jesus in Galilee” as the fruit of his studies.
Hong Kong 2004, 262 pp, US$10.00
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Weaving Our Lives and Stories: Women, Racism and Peace-building in Asia - S045
Weaving Our Lives and Stories: Women, Racism and Peace-building in Asia
Edited by Corazon Tabing-Reyes, Marilia Schuller and Edna J. Orteza

This resource book is the result of two workshops jointly facilitated by CCA and the WCC, “The Role of Church Women on Overcoming Racial/Ethnic/Minority/Religious Discrimination in Asia”, held in Hsinchu City, Taiwan, in September 2000, and “Asian Indigenous/Dalit/Aboriginal Women Overcoming Violence”, held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in September 2003. It represents the personal thoughts and feelings, struggles and pain, analysis and reflection, hopes and aspirations of individual women, which in the process became common issues and concerns that needed common action.
Hong Kong 2004, 107 pp, US$10.00
christian conference of Asia, CCA
A History of the Ecumenical Movement in Asia – Volume II - S046
A History of the Ecumenical Movement in Asia – Volume II – edited by Ninan Koshy
This is a collection of essays, written by a team of distinguished ecumenical leaders and edited by Ninan Koshy, providing invaluable information on and insightful interpretation of the major themes that have enriched the life of the ecumenical movement in Asia.

Beginning with a brilliant presentation of the theological and mission concerns, the authors explore the evolution, development and emerging trends of the wide range of concerns that have stimulated the World Student Christian Federation Asia-Pacific Region, the Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs and the Christian Conference of Asia and made them privileged instruments of the ecumenical movement.

Common to all the essays is a genuine Asian perspective, which provides Asian terms and interpretation to common themes in worldwide ecumenical debate. The significant role played by Asian ecumenical consciousness for more than nine decades in broadening and widening the ecumenical vision is highlighted in the book.

It has been published by the World Student Christian Federation Asia-Pacific Region, Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs and the Christian Conference of Asia.
Hong Kong 2004; 397 pp., US$30.00
christian conference of Asia, CCA
God Who Matters - S047
God Who Matters
– by AHN Jae Woong

God who matters is the latest publication from the CCA. It is a compilation of select ecumenical sermons and lectures, delivered on different occasions by AHN Jae Woong, during his tenure as the general secretary of CCA.
“I must acknowledge that this publication was made possible through my involvement in the ecumenical movement, especially CCA,” says AHN in the preface of the book.
According to him, these are his random thoughts put together in a book form for the wider ecumenical community.
Hong Kong 2005; 127pp., US$10.00
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Windows into Ecumenism – Essays in Honour of Ahn Jae Woong - S048
Windows into Ecumenism – Essays in Honour of Ahn Jae Woong
– Introduced by D. Preman Niles

The fact that some twenty-eight ecumenically minded persons from all part of the globe were willing to take time off from their busy schedules and write for a book honouring Ahn Jae Woong is itself an acknowledgment of the gently but decisive impact that he has had on the ecumenical movement as a whole.

Dr. David Kwang-sun Suh feels that this volume should be an ongoing textbook in theological schools and churches all over the world on ecumenics, missiology, interfaith/interreligious dialogue, feminist theology, Asian contextual theology and political ethics.
Hong Kong 2005, 388+12 pp., US$15.00
christian conference of Asia, CCA
The Local Church - S049
The Local Church by Kwok Nai Wang
Having worked with seminarians and pastors in Hong Kong and with pastors in the Philippines and Myanmar, the Rev. Kwok Nai Wang has put together his reflections on many questions raised by local church pastors about the nature of the church, Christian worship, mission and community life. The work spings from Rev. Kwok’s passion for local ecumenism as something that can and should be rooted in the life and work of local congregations.
Hong Kong 2005; 97pp.; US$5
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Minjung Theology: towards a Second Reformation - S050
Minjung Theology: towards a Second Reformation by YIM Taesoo
“Minjung” literally means the multitude of people but in Minjung Theology the term is closely related to the oppressed, exploited and marginalized. This book is a collection of Dr.Yim Taesoo’s essays, including some that he wrote and published since 1984. He affirms that while Minjung theology had played an important role in Korean society in the 70s and the 80s, it cannot go further without a church base. Therefore, he suggests a second reformation through a new direction for Minjung Theology.
Chiangmai 2006; 232pp.; US$10
christian conference of Asia, CCA
The Bible through Asian Eyes - S051
By Masao Takenaka and Ron O’Grady.
Published by Pace Publishing Auckland-New Zealand in association with Asian Christian Art Association, Kyoto-Japan.

Hong Kong 1991, 200 pp, hardcover: US$35.00, paperback:US$25.00
christian conference of Asia, CCA
Christian Art in Asia - S052
By Masao Takenaka
Jointly published by Kyo Bun Kwan in association with CCA.
Japan 1975, 171 pp, hardcover: US$25.00