Sisters and brothers in Christ
Ladies and Gentlemen
Let me first extend to you warm greetings on behalf of Christian Conference of Asia (CCA). I thank the World Council of Churches for providing me this opportunity to be with you for this public hearing. I also thank the Middle East Council of…
News Releases
Message of Dr. Prawate Khid-arn to the Hindu Caucus on HIV/AIDS
Posted On 02 June 2008June1-2, 2008, Bangalore, India It gives me great pleasure on behalf of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA)[1] and the Asian Interfaith Network on HIV/AIDS (AINA) to express greetings to the Hindu Leaders Caucus on HIV/AIDS concern. My special thanks to His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankarjiu for…Southeast Asian consultation-dialogue on holistic mission
Posted On 10 April 2008CCA-FMU organized the Southeast Asian sub-regional consultation-dialogue on "Holistic Mission in the Context of Asian Plurality," at the UCCP Shalom Center in Manila, Philippines on March 24-29. It was hosted by the National Council of Churches in the Philippines and the United Church of Christ in…CCA Women's Voice
Posted On 28 March 2008CA WOMEN’S VOICE A newsletter of the EGY program March 2008 Editorial Dear Friend, Greetings from CCA- EGY. The month of March 2008 is very important as we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Resurrection of Christ is a symbol of God’s liberating…Strengthening EGY Networking- Meeting with Partners from ' Church Mission Society ' (UK)- 14th March 2008.
Posted On 15 March 2008This meeting was held in CCA on 14th March 2008 in CCA head office in Payap University Thailand mainly to strengthen the EGY networking with mission partners of CMS especially to engage in ecumenical formation and mission work among…
Summit of Asian Women Religious Leaders- Preparatory Meeting-10th-11th March 2008
Posted On 14 March 2008Under the initiative of 'World Conference of Religions Peace…
Indigenous Women's Alternative Leadership for Transformation- Regional Follow up Training
Posted On 13 March 2008What is IWALT? The IWALT in Asia is a three year project of CCA in partnership with World Council of Churches supported by United Church of Canada and Canadian International Development Agency . Since 2005-2007 there were three sub…
Celebrating International Women's Day
Posted On 11 March 20088 March 2008 'Renewing our Pledge to Promote Gender Justice and Overcome Violence against Women in Asia' Dear Fellow-pilgrims of Peace, Greetings from Christian Conference of Asia. As you know on 8th March we commemorate International Women's Day (IWD). The celebration started as a political…Celebrating International Women's Day
Posted On 06 March 2008Renewing our Pledge to Promote Gender Justice and Overcome Violence against Women in Asia' Dear Fellow-pilgrims of Peace, Greetings from Christian Conference of Asia. As you know on 8th March we commemorate International Women's Day (IWD). The celebration started as a political event to…Pray for Peace in Orissa
Posted On 30 January 2008January 24, 2008 To All Member Churches and Member Council of CCA. With this letter I'm calling the member churches of Christian Conference of Asia to work, hope and pray in solidarity with those suffering from the very tragic Orissa Communal violence in India. Churches, houses, shops, and food…Christmas Greetings 2007
Posted On 13 December 2007"Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those with whom he is pleased” [Lk. 2:14] On this joyous occasion of the sweet remembrance of Lord Jesus who brought Light to the world, I wish you all a merry Christmas and bright and happy New Year full of new aspirations to fulfill the mission…IIPC FINAL STATEMENT
Posted On 21 August 2007Submitted to the ICAAP Conference 19 August 2007, Colombo Sri Lanka Representing the major religions of Asia, we were participants at the International Interfaith Pre-ICAAP Conference, organized by Asian Interfaith Network on AIDS (AINA), Christian Conference of Asia and the World Council of…4th School for Ecumenical Leadership Formation, SELF 2007
Posted On 20 July 2007Dear Friends, This is my pleasure to share with you that the 4th School for Ecumenical Leadership Formation, SELF 2007 is now opened to the applicants. SELF is an alternate year program, which aims to bring young people a deep understanding about ecumenism and the issues of our society. This year,…Statement of North East Asia Peace Consultation, NEAPC 2007
Posted On 13 July 2007For building peace in North East Asia under current situation of people’s suffering, we have joined in NEAPC 2007 with specific focus on “de-militarization” at Methodist Retreat Center, Taipei, Taiwan on May 16-22, 2007 jointly organized by Christian Conference of Asia-Youth, Ecumenical Youth…Solidarity Letters to Health Ministry, Thailand
Posted On 04 May 2007Dr.Mongkol Na Songkla, Minister Ministry of Public Health Tivanont Rd., T. Talatkwan A.Muang, Nonthaburi 11000, Thailand Dear Dr.Mongkol Na Songkla, Greetings from Christian Conference of Asia, Chiang Mai! The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) founded in 1957 is a regional ecumenical organization…An Easter Message 2007
Posted On 01 April 2007"'Why are you looking among the dead for one who is alive? He is not here; he has been raised. Remember what he said to you while he was in Galilee. The Son of Man must be handed over to sinful men, be crucified, and three days later rise to life.'" (Luke 24:5b-7) At a time of so much turmoil,…After 50th Anniversary - Quo Vadis, CCA?
Posted On 14 March 2007Medan, Indonesia 10 March 2007 On 9 March 2007, the last day of the two-day General Committee meeting of the Christian Conference of Asia held at Medan, Indonesia, members were united in expressing gratefulness to the Indonesian churches for their generous hospitality and their very able and…Greetings of the CCA General Secretary to the 50th Anniversary Worship and Celebration with President of the Republic of Indonesia
Posted On 12 March 2007Greetings of the CCA General Secretary to the 50th Anniversary Worship and Celebration with President of the Republic of Indonesia March 7, 2007, Medan,Indonesia His Excellency the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia His Excellency the Governor of North Sumatra Region…Welcome Message of the CCA General Secretaryat the opening of the 50th Anniversary International Symposium
Posted On 12 March 2007Welcome Message of the CCA General Secretaryat the opening of the 50th Anniversary International Symposium: Journeying together as communities of peace for allof the Christian Conference of Asia 4-7 March 2007, Parapat, Indonesia Sisters and brothers in Christ, Amazing! We are now in Parapat. This…Reflection for Ash Wednesday and Lent
Posted On 21 February 2007Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent. Lent comes from an old English word for spring, which corresponds with the season of Lent. In the Christian calendar Lent means the 40-day period of preparation leading to Easter (the day of Christ's resurrection). These 40 days do not include Sundays, which…