• Solidarity with member churches and councils in Aotearoa-NZ

    Posted On 25 February 2011
    24 February 2011 The Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia The Methodist Church of New Zealand Christian Churches, New Zealand (formerly the Associated Churches of Christ, NZ) The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand Society of Friends, New Zealand Dear Friends, Brothers and Sisters…
  • CCA e-Letter - 11/2/11

    Posted On 11 February 2011
    CCA e-Letter 11 February 2011 Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, As we begin our journey in the year 2011, it is our confidence and prayer that the Spirit of God will continue to strengthen us in responding to the challenges ahead of us. Our theme for Asia Sunday this year, “Make us…
  • Make Us Healers, O God

    Posted On 13 December 2010
    Dear Member Churches and Councils: Greetings of peace and joy to you this Christmas season! Every year since 1974, Asia Sunday has been celebrated in Asia and among ecumenical organizations around the world on the Sunday before Pentecost.  The observance is to commemorate the founding of the East…
  • CCA joins the international community in observing Human Rights Day

    Posted On 13 December 2010
    Dear Member Churches and Councils, Friends and Partners: December 10 every year is set aside to mark Human Rights Day the world over. 2010 Human Rights day is dedicated to human rights defenders who act to end all forms of discrimination and violation of human rights. Human rights defenders are…
  • Announcement:- Asia Sunday 2011

    Posted On 13 December 2010
    Every year since 1974, Asia Sunday has been celebrated in Asia and among ecumenical organizations around the world on the Sunday before Pentecost.  The observance is to commemorate the founding of the East Asia Christian Conference, renamed in 1973 as the Christian Conference of Asia.   This year…
  • PROK Letter to Partners

    Posted On 30 November 2010
    Dear Friends in Ecumenical Organizations and Partner Churches   Greetings in the name of Jesus, the prince of peace.   First of all, we, the Presbyterian Church in the republic of Korea (PROK), are deeply grateful for your concern, prayer and solidarity messages and statements to respond to…
  • Letter from NCCI

    Posted On 29 November 2010
  • Emmanuel-God with us, God in us, God for us and God for others

    Posted On 29 November 2010
    For the last few years and months we have been reading in the papers and watching on television stories of people on the move because of floods, erruption of volcanoes, landslides, draught, civil, ethnic and tribal wars. This list can go on and on to show how people in our day are getting uprooted…
  • CCA e-Letter - 24/11/10

    Posted On 24 November 2010
    CCA e-Letter 24 November 2010 Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Ecumenical Movement, Greetings from the island of Creete, where the first meeting of the 2013 WCC Assembly Preparatory Committee (APC) is being held on November 19 to 24, at the Orthodox Academy in Chania, Creete. We were…
  • Basic Ecumenical Course (National AEC)

    Posted On 06 November 2010
    CCA-FMU co-organized with the National Council of Churches in the Philippines the Basic Ecumenical Course (a national version of CCA's Asian Ecumenical Course) on 15-29 October 2010 at the Ecumenical Center of NCCP in Quezon City, Philippines. A total of 29 participants attended the BEC, with 7 of…
  • Ecumenical Lecture for Clergywomen in Mindanao

    Posted On 31 October 2010
    CCA-FMU executive staff Hope S. Antone conducted an ecumenical lecture and workshop with a group of clergywomen in Midsayap, Cotabato in Mindanao, Philippines on 19-20 October 2010. The activity focused on the theme, "Discerning the Role of Clergywomen in These Critical Times" and aimed to deepen…
  • NCC Bangladesh Press Release

    Posted On 13 September 2010
    To All Electronic and Print Medias Dear News Editor/Director Greetings with Peace from the National Council of Churches-Bangladesh! Please print or broadcast this Statements to your renowned Media. You may aware the news of attempt to burn the copies of the Holy Quran by some misguided and…
  • CCA joins condemnation of the burning of the Qur’an to mark 9/11

    Posted On 10 September 2010
    As the world prepares to remember the thousands who died in New York on 11th of September 2001, CCA joins the voices of condemnation from leaders of Christian churches and other religious faiths against plans by members of the Dove World Outreach Center to burn the Quran on the anniversary of the…
  • Fact finding mission to Pakistan

    Posted On 10 September 2010
    As soon as we heard about the floods in Pakistan and its drastic effect on millions of people we decided at one of our staff meetings to send a member of the staff to be with the churches and NCCP rather than send a letter of solidarity. That responsibility was allocated to me as this particular…
  • CCM Youth Hands Over Protest Memo On Threats by Dr Terry Jones of Dove Outreach Center to US Embassy Officials in Kuala Lumpur

    Posted On 08 September 2010
    KUALA LUMPUR, Wed, 8 Sept 2010: Representatives of the Youth Wing of the Council of Churches Malaysia (CCM Youth) handed a memorandum of protest to the United States Embassy today calling on the US government to stop a church in Florida from burning the Quran this 11 Sept 2010. The group of five…
  • Thousands flee as Pakistan flood spread

    Posted On 09 August 2010
    06 August 2010 Dear Victor and Friends in Pakistan It is with shock and sadness we watched on television and read in the daily news papers the destruction and havoc caused to lives and property of hundreds of people in your country. Please be assured that we are praying for you and also making a…
  • An Urgent Appeal for Peace and Reconciliation of Korea

    Posted On 09 August 2010
    The 219th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 3-10, 2010. Among many items of business and issues, the Assembly adopted "An Urgent Appeal for Peace and Reconciliation of Korea." We are deeply concerned about the increased tensed situation on…
  • A Letter from CCA - 4/8/10

    Posted On 04 August 2010
    A Letter from CCA No. 24/4 August 2010   Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, CCA Executive Staff Recruitment CCA invites applications for two executive positions: Associate General Secretary for Finance and Relationship Joint Executive Secretary for Ecumenical Formation, Gender…
  • Ecumenical Lectures in July 2010

    Posted On 30 July 2010
    CCA-FMU Joint Executive Secretary Hope S. Antone conducted a number of ecumenical lectures in July 2010. The Ecumenical Lecture Series is CCA’s initiative of reaching out to the theological institutions of its member churches and also a response to requests from the theological education…
  • Uniting Church concerned about welfare of Rohingyas

    Posted On 05 July 2010
    THE Uniting Church raised the plight of a Muslim minority group from Burma with Immigration Minister Chris Evans last month because of lengthy delays in processing their claims for asylum. After visiting some of the Rohingyas detained at Christmas Island, the church and the Coalition for Asylum-…