• Challenges and Issues for Indochina Mission Work

    Posted On 15 August 2006
    Part of the concern of CCA-FMU is the growing mission expansion in Asia that is carried out not only by Western mission organizations but also by various Asian mission bodies. In order to situate mission work in the overall ecumenical movement in Asia, CCA-FMU staff has tried to make linkages with…
  • A Word on the Relocation to Chiang Mai

    Posted On 10 August 2006
    My apologies for the long silence. The relocation to Chiang Mai in early July kept all the executive staff and support staff very busy -- e.g. setting up our temporary office at Payap University, renovating the office, unpacking our boxes of books and files, settling down as families, getting the…
  • CCA relocates to Chiang Mai, Thailand

    Posted On 07 July 2006
    As of 7th July, the third shipment of office things was done by a moving company, marking another step of the journey of relocation of the headquarters of the Christian Conference of Asia to Chiang Mai, Thailand. During this time of transition, our temporary office will be the following: Christian…
  • Message of CCA General Secretary on World Refugee Day (June 20) 2006

    Posted On 18 June 2006
    " Rekindling Flame of Hope and Keeping it Alive!"If your are a refugee parent watching your child grow up in a neglected camp, after a long and frightening journey to escape from oppression at your own country, or if you are a traumatized asylum seeker knocking at door of an affluent nation- hope…
  • Statement of the International Ecumenical Consultation on Peace in East Asia, Seoul, Korea, May 2-4, 2006

    Posted On 24 May 2006
    As God’s people, followers of Jesus Christ who was crucified for peace and reconciliation, we church leaders and church representatives from countries in Asia, Europe, and North America have met to study, pray, discuss, and meditate on God’s Word in this International Ecumenical Consultation on…
  • Vistas of Peace: Dealing with a Controversial Novel and Film

    Posted On 18 May 2006
    Will I lose faith because of what a novel and a film say about God or my religion? What kind of faith do I have if it is easily shaken by a book or a film? I read Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code like any novel. It did not shock or surprise me because I have read other publications before that tried…
  • Vistas of Peace: Affirming Press Freedom

    Posted On 03 May 2006
    In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God spoke, "Let there be..."[taken from Genesis 1] And soon, there was a series of creation -- each one…
  • An Easter Message

    Posted On 16 April 2006
    When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, 'Peace be with you.' After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced…
  • Vistas of Peace: Acting on Water

    Posted On 28 March 2006
    A Samaritan woman came to draw some water, and Jesus said to her, 'Give me a drink of water...' The woman answered, 'You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan -- so how can you ask me for a drink?' [John 4:7, 9] Jesus answered, 'Whoever drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water…
  • 2006 Youth Interns

    Posted On 25 March 2006
    Two new interns have joined the CCA in last December, 2005. Ms Lo Chia-Fang, 27, is a member of the Presbeterian Church in Taiwan(PCT). She has a bachelor of art degree in foreign languages from the Presbyterian Bible College. Chia Fang attended the 12th general assembly of CCA held in Chiang Mai…
  • International Consultation on Peace in the East-Asia Region

    Posted On 24 March 2006
    The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK), National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK), and the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) are jointly organizing the International Consultation on Peace in the East-Asia Region (hereafter referred to as the Peace Consultation), to be held in…
  • Vistas of Peace: Responding to Caricatures

    Posted On 15 March 2006
    Many of us Asian Christians were too shocked to do anything about the cartoons that were published in Danish newspapers a few months ago. Without seeing such cartoons, we could tell that they were in bad taste (to borrow a journalistic jargon) as to caricature the Holy Prophet (PBUH), and thus…
  • Program Area Committee Meeting

    Posted On 13 March 2006
    The new Program Area Committees for Faith, Mission and Unity (FMU), Ecumenical Formation, Gender Justice and Youth Empowerment (EGY), and the Justice, International Affairs and Development and Service (JID), which were constituted during the CCA 12th General Assembly, met in Taipei, Taiwan on 3-8…
  • CCA-FMU Contribution at WCC General Assembly

    Posted On 28 February 2006
    Almost all the CCA staff were in the 9th General Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Porto Alegre, Brazil on Feb. 13-24, 2006. The CCA staff were invited by various desks of the WCC as delegated observers, or to provide leadership as resource persons or consultants in the Youth and Women's…
  • A letter to WTO Director General

    Posted On 22 December 2005
    14 December 2005 Mr. Pascal Lamy Director-General World Trade Organization Geneva SWITZERLAND Dear Mr. Lamy: We are seventy women theologians, pastors, activists, church and ecumenical leaders, sociologists, teachers, psychologists, political economists, youth and students from various faith…
  • Ecumenical Conference calls for the people-centered WTO

    Posted On 14 December 2005
    Ecumenical Conference on Globalising Economic Justice and Social Sustainability December 9-11, 2005, Hon- Kong We, 200 members of people's organizations, faith-based communities and social movements, representing all continents of the world from 29 countries, who have met in Hong Kong from…
  • Ecumenical Conference calls for an Interfaith commitment

    Posted On 12 December 2005
    Message to the Faith Communities We, 200 participants from 29 countries and different religious faiths, namely Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, who have met at Wu Kai Sha, Hong Kong, from 9-10 December 2005 to protest the ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO), and to…
  • International Human Rights Day

    Posted On 08 December 2005
    A Message from the General Secretary of CCA on International Human Rights Day 10 December 2005 As we are commemorating the International Human Rights Day this year on 10 December 2005, let me begin by quoting what Eleanor Roosevelt has said about human rights: "Where, after all, do universal human…
  • Christmas message

    Posted On 06 December 2005
    Christmas symbolises peace and hope for humankind. The child born in Bethlehem brings peace to the humanity. "Christ is our peace." Christ, the babe in the manger restores dignity to human beings and brings hope to those who are in despair. He has come to heal life’s wounds and to restore human…
  • CCA general committee meeting in Chiang Mai

    Posted On 05 October 2005
    General Committee in session. Opening worship of the CCA general committee CCA general committee paricipants using strings to hold a candle during the opening worship held at the Crystal Spring Guest House in Chiang Mai, Thailand on 29 September. CCA General Secretary Dr Prawate Khid-arn…