• Statement of the CCA-WSCF joint consultation 2003

    Posted On 28 January 2004
    We, the participants in the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA)-World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) joint consultation held in Hong Kong 3-4 December 2003 at the CCA Centre, have come together to re-assess the ecumenical student ministry in the Asia-Pacific region and to affirm its vision and…
  • ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE Declaration of People's Forum held in Mumbai 16-21 January 2004

    Posted On 28 January 2004
    We, as faith communities and people's movements from Asia and Africa, came together at Mumbai to share our common vision and witness for an alternative, just and peaceful world. We shared perspectives in building community of peace for all, from Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians. We…
  • Positive support

    Posted On 28 January 2004
    SCMP - Wednesday, January 28, 2004 STAN HENSON China's victims of HIV/Aids took heart last month when Premier Wen Jiabao shook hands with one of their number. But according to Thomas Cai, founder of AidsCare China in Guangzhou, much more needs to be done. "The government still has no active…
  • “A quarter of land life could be killed by warming”

    Posted On 09 January 2004
    More than 1 million plants and animal species- a quarter of all life on land, could become extinct by 2050 because of man-made climate change, scientists say. The main reason for this change, according to an article in the British journal Nature, is green house gases, which trap heat in the…
  • Churches urged to respond effectively to human rights violations

    Posted On 21 November 2003
    The annual human rights training program was organized by Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) in Kuala Lumpur, 10-16 November, to look at the human rights violations and to focus on issues and concerns affecting greatly the lives of so many people in Asia, particularly the disempowered, marginalized…
  • Next Asia Sunday to be on 23 May 2004

    Posted On 20 November 2003
      The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) has decided to observe next year's Asia Sunday on 23 May 2004. The theme, "Serving together beyond boundaries" is based on lectionary texts for that Sunday, which include Jesus's prayer for unity (John 17:20-26). Dr Ahn Jae Woong, CCA general secretary in a…
  • The Second School for Ecumenical Leadership Formation [SELF], 21st September to 12th October, North Sumatra, Indonesia

    Posted On 20 November 2003
    The Youth Department of the Christian Conference of Asia conducted the Second School for Ecumenical Leadership Formation [a.k.a. SELF]. The School was a 21-day intensive training program, organized amidst the scenic hill-station surroundings of Sukamakmur, near Medan, the capital city of the…
  • 2. Asia Consultation Meeting of UN Secretary-Generals Panel of Eminent Persons on United Nations-Civil Society Relations, UN Conference Center, UNESC

    Posted On 20 November 2003
    The UN SGs Panel of Eminent Persons, or High-Level Panel [HLP] as is more commonly known, on UN-Civil Society Relations met with nearly 60 representatives of national and international civil society groups in Asia-Pacific. Civil society groups included mostly NGOs focused on a variety of issues…
  • HIV/AIDS Threatens U.N. Peacekeeping

    Posted On 20 November 2003
    Thalif Deen UNITED NATIONS, Nov 17 (IPS) - The spread of the deadly disease AIDS is threatening the security and stability of several U.N. peacekeeping missions overseas, said an agency official Monday. ''HIV/AIDS represents a challenge to every one of the 42,000 soldiers and police officers…
  • CCA Christmas message 2003

    Posted On 12 November 2003
    To our sisters and brothers, partners on the ecumenical journey: We greet you as Christmas approaches, inspite of living in an age of uncertainties created by war, terrorism, violence, conflicts, and economic globalization. As we welcome the child Jesus, our humble gentle saviour, may we too,…
  • Consultation on Migrant Workers' Struggles

    Posted On 05 November 2003
    Although migrant workers are hailed as economic saviors of their respective national economies, their governments are often ill equipped to respond to their needs especially when they are faced with danger and hardships abroad. Governments are also unprepared or unwilling to re-absorb returning…
  • Photos from the Bangkok General Committee

    Posted On 04 November 2003
    Ahn Jae Woong presenting the report Prawate Khid-arn presenting the report on finance Dr U Kyaw Than delivering the message at the opening worship of the CCA General Committee held from 22 to 26 October in Bangkok. Also seen in the picture are Dr Ahn Jae Woong and Suffragan Metropolitan Dr…
  • Ecumenical leader calls for campaign to create a "non-bellicose world"

    Posted On 04 November 2003
    Ahn Jae Woong, general secretary of the CCA has called for an "ecumenical campaign for a non-bellicose world." Presenting a report to the General Committee, held in Bangkok from 22-26 October 2003, he said that the campaign was necessary in this age of war and terror, created by a culture of…
  • CCA unhappy over sending additional forces to Iraq

    Posted On 31 October 2003
    The CCA has expressed its concern and displeasure over the Korean governments decision to send additional troops to Iraq. In a resolution, the 26-member General Committee of the CCA, which met from 22-26 October in Bangkok, urged the Korean government to withdraw the decision which was taken at…
  • New CCA staff appointments

    Posted On 29 October 2003
    Associate General Secretary for Finance Dr Prawate Khid-arn, a Thai national, has been appointed the Associate General Secretary for Fianace of the CCA with effect from November 1, 2003. Prawate, a member of the Church of Christ in Thailand, was a Joint Executive Secretary of the Programme Area on…
  • EED delegation visits CCA Centre

    Posted On 21 October 2003
    A German delegation from the Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED  Church Development Service) visited the CCA Centre on October 15. The eight-member delegation was received at the centre by Dr Ahn Jae Woong, the CCA general secretary and the executive staff. A dinner reception hosted in honour of…
  • Human rights training

    Posted On 21 October 2003
    The annual human rights training programme of the CCA is being planned to be held in Kuala Lumpur from November 10 to 16. Thirty persons, selected on the recommendations of the churches and national councils, will attend the training programme. Organised by the Justice, International Affairs,…
  • Inter-religious workshop to be held in Cambodia

    Posted On 21 October 2003
    An inter-religious workshop on Conflict transformation and the study of peace will be held from December 8 to 12 at Phnom Penh in Cambodia. The workshop is being organised jointly by the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), Federation of Asian Bishops Conference (FABC) and the Asian Muslim Action…
  • General Committee Meeting

    Posted On 18 October 2003
    The CCA General Committee will meet on October 22-26, 2003 at the Bangkok Christian Guest House in Bangkok, Thailand. Among the agenda lined up for the meeting are the reports of the CCA General Secretary and Acting Associate General Secretary for Finance; reports on the 12th General Assembly…
  • Update on the CCA General Assembly Plans

    Posted On 16 September 2003
    A preparatory sub-committee on theme and issues of the CCA General Assembly met on 13 September in Hong Kong and reflected on the GA theme, "Building Communities of Peace for All". The committee will prepare a study booklet explaining why this theme in light of the glaring absence of peace in Asia…