2006 Youth Interns

Two new interns have joined the CCA in last December, 2005.
Ms Lo Chia-Fang, 27, is a member of the Presbeterian Church in Taiwan(PCT). She has a bachelor of art degree in foreign languages from the Presbyterian Bible College. Chia Fang attended the 12th general assembly of CCA held in Chiang Mai as a steward. She was also a youth delegate of PCT's Ecumenical Youth Exchange Program in 2005.
Watching movies is one of her hobbies. She wishes to
learn more about ecumenism.
Ms La Wun Shwe Wut Ye, 25, is a member of the Methodist church from Myanmar. A graduate from the Myanmar Insitute of Theology, she attended the WCC central committee meeting held in Geneva in 2005 as a steward. She likes swimming. She hopes to gain lot of experience during her CCA internship and return home with new ideas.
We welcome them and hope they will learn from their and our experiences.