Program Area Committee Meeting

The new Program Area Committees for Faith, Mission and Unity (FMU), Ecumenical Formation, Gender Justice and Youth Empowerment (EGY), and the Justice, International Affairs and Development and Service (JID), which were constituted during the CCA 12th General Assembly, met in Taipei, Taiwan on 3-8 March.
Nine out of the 12 elected CCA-FMU Program Area Committee members made it to the meeting, which was generously hosted by the National Council of Churches in Taiwan (NCCT).
After getting acquainted with one another, members shared some contextual realities in their respective countries and throughout the region which impinge on the work of FMU. The FMU PAC members articulated afresh the mandate and priorities for the work of the program area for the years 2006-2010.
One of the new things that the committee suggested is to have a program and budget allotment for "Emerging Issues" so that the program area can respond appropriately to emergencies or unforeseen events.
In this connection, an occasional reflection called "Vistas of Peace" has been initiated by CCA-FMU in order to facilitate the articulation and sharing of reflections on issues that arise in any parts of the region. Members of the CCA-FMU PAC are expected to share their reflections.