Message for World Youth Day 2006

Let us act together for Peace!
Do you know, at this moment, how many people are living with fear? How many of us are worried about tomorrow? How many of us don’t know where to go? How many of us have no hopes at all?
How about you? My dear young people, what is your next step?
In early of 2006, the democratic movement in Nepal has been practiced like wildfire. The reaction from nature to human being never stops such as typhoons, earthquakes and tsunami. From the perspective of worldwide concern, I find out that how phlegmatic our young people are. Those youth who had been motivating the movement in the pass, are now presider of main power and decision making. The passion of justice and integrity as creation of God has been eaten up by the desire of power and benefit. And the young generation, so call “pillar” of our future, are no more attracted to justice and peace movement. Aloofness becomes the reaction of young people to those important issues of world. In the moment of CCA Jubilee and the next half century of youth ecumenical movement, how as youth should we lead our way forward?
The theme of CCA 12th Assembly is “building the communities of peace for all” Hence, CCA Youth also takes Peace as our main concern for the working plan in 2006-2010. On one hand, CCA Youth is promoting peace and justice in all programs actively. On the other hand, we would like to equip our young people to be “Peace Maker” In the pass 50 years of ecumenical movement in CCA, youth had been a great energy of it. However, for the next 50 years, what could we do to face all challenges and share the spirit of ecumenism?
To be a “Peace Maker”
Over hundreds years, the reformed movement of churches had been loosing its positive meaningful idea. Even as the industrial revolution has gone to crassness, it became a disaster to our nature and human being. The reformed movement of churches brings more boundaries among us. Instead of being the hope of ours, churches become the inter-medium of political games and predominant over others. Let us be the Peace Maker! For we are the leaders now and pioneers for next century, let us be the peace maker! Start from our daily life, please reduce the waste of energy, turn off the light when you don’t need it, protect our environment by our action and to give back the peach to our earth. Let us be the peace maker! Start to smile at everyone. Wherever they are from, whoever they are, what languages they speak, which denomination they belong to, we are all the sheep of God. Start to smile at everyone. Let us be the peace maker.
To be an Actor!
Action has positive affection and negative injury. The satisfaction at dominance on others results in war. The negative impact of globalization is due to the greed of getting much money from others. However, the success in democratic movement and against with militarization and imperialism is because of action. The good news of God has been speared from mid-Asia to Europe and back to Asia also results from action. We all agree that youth are advocators of issues, criticizing the society, motivators of changes. Let us be an active actor. We had rather take action than only talk. If words are leaves then deeds are fruits! Peace will not come to us, if our thoughts have no action.
Today is the World Youth Day, a day for reminding us to pay attention to youth. As youth, we have to remember every moments we have, composes the present of future of our world. Let us work for the World Peace and react energetically. The World needs our response and every small reaction we have, so that every change will be in the process of re-building the peace in our heart. Let us work together with the peace in our heart!