CCA-FMU Contribution at WCC General Assembly

Almost all the CCA staff were in the 9th General Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Porto Alegre, Brazil on Feb. 13-24, 2006.
The CCA staff were invited by various desks of the WCC as delegated observers, or to provide leadership as resource persons or consultants in the Youth and Women's Pre-Assembly Forums, in mutirao workshops, in ecumenical conversations, etc.
A. Wati Longchar, joint CCA-WCC consultant for Ecumenical Theological Education, helped in the parallel gathering of theological students and conducted a workshop on the use of indigenous resources in theologizing. Assisting him in the workshop were Nantiya Pechgate of Bangkok Institute of Theology in Thailand and Awala Longkumer of the National Council of Churches in India.
Hope S. Antone, joint executive secretary for Faith, Mission and Unity, assisted a workshop on interfaith religious education (with Christy Lohr and Heidi Hadsell of Hartford Seminary). She was one of three resource persons at the three-day ecumenical conversation on "memories and renewed quest of ecumenical formation." A summary of her conversation sharing will be published in the March 2006 issue of CCA News.
Although earlier invited to help with the Urban Rural Mission workshop, Josef Widyatmadja, joint executive secretary for CCA-FMU, was not able to attend the assembly because of his daughter's wedding in Indonesia.