News Releases
Emergency food assistance for North Korea
Posted On 24 July 201122 July, 2011 Dear CCA Officers, Member Churches and Councils: At a meeting of the Ecumenical Forum for Korea (EFK) in Nanjing, China on 16th and 17th June 2011, a second shipment of 480 tons of flour for distribution to children in nurseries and kindergartens in North Korea was discussed and…CCA e-Letter - 8/7/11
Posted On 08 July 2011CCA e-Letter 8 July 2011 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ – Greetings from the general synod meeting of Toraja Church in Indonesia. It is my great joy to be invited on behalf of CCA to the special gathering…
Asia Communication Sunday 2011: Communicating Climate Justice
Posted On 24 June 2011Rev. Dr Samuel Meshack, Chairperson – WACC-Asia introduces the theme "Communicating Climate Justice" for Asia Communication Sunday 2011 I greet you all on behalf of the members of the World Association for Christian Communication – Asia Region. I am happy to inform you that the WACC – Asia Region…CCA e-Letter - 10/6/11
Posted On 10 June 2011CCA e-Letter June 2011 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ – Greetings of Peace from the CCA office in Chiang Mai! Hunger in North Korea A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children; she refuses to be comforted for her children, because…CCA MESSAGE FOR PENTECOST SUNDAY
Posted On 10 June 2011“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth…” A local congregation in Central Java, Indonesia, invites people especially those who originally come from this particular village to return home to celebrate Pentecost. Farmers bring their first harvest of fruits of their…Agent Orange in Korea
Posted On 03 June 2011Agent Orange used in Vietnam was found dumped in Korea after the war. It is now confirmed that the chemical has seeped from leaking containers into the soil and possibly into water sources and into the food chain. NCCK writes to President Barak Obama to protest. Click here to read moreEcumenical Enablers' Training
Posted On 30 May 2011A total of 78 participants completed the Ecumenical Enablers' Training program conducted by CCA-FMU executive staff recently. Of this number 44 were Vietnamese and 34 were Nepalese. Although CCA does not have a church member yet in Vietnam the EET held in Vietnam was made possible with the help of…Basic Ecumenical Course begins in Indonesia
Posted On 20 May 2011CCA-FMU co-organized with the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) a two-week Basic Ecumenical Course on 2-15 May 2011 in Kaliurang, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The theme of the BEC was the CCA General Assembly theme, "Called to Prophesy, Reconcile and Heal." This was the first time for PGI to hold…CCA e-Letter - 13/5/11
Posted On 16 May 2011CCA e-Letter 13 May 2011 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ – Greetings of Peace from the CCA office in Chiang Mai! O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come. Our shelter from the stormy…
Posted On 16 May 2011OFFICIAL STATEMENT Seoul, Korea May 6-7, 2011 The heads of North East Asia Churches Forum of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) convened an ecumenical solidarity meeting to discuss coordination and cooperation to carry out relief, recovery and reconstruction in Japan in the face of the 'triple…PRAYER
Posted On 03 May 2011(by Rev. Claudia Genung Yamamoto) God of rainbows and resurrection, you are our strength and our salvation. We have entered your gates today ready to sing songs of praise and joy, proclaiming your victory over death on this On this Easter tide, we bring our usual mixture of relief and joy, of doubt…EASTER MESSAGE
Posted On 26 April 2011Last week the people of Thailand joyously celebrated the “Songkran” festival, a big, traditional celebration of the new year. Similar events at the same time were also celebrated in many South East and South Asian countries such as Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, India and Sri Lanka - heralding the start…LAST WORDS
Posted On 22 April 2011By Revelation Velunta Last words are important to many of us. Famous last words include Rizal’s “Mi Ultimo Adios” (My Last Farewell) and Antonio Luna’s “P___ -Ina!” (trans., son of a b*** or mother f***) Those of us who watched the coverage of Fernando Poe, Jr.'s wake and burial years ago will…Greening the Cross - EARTH DAY on Good Friday
Posted On 21 April 2011Love Trees: Celebrate our Planet - An Earth Day Call Each year, ‘Earth Day’ falls on 22nd April and marks the anniversary of what many consider the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. In the life journey of humans, Earth is not given Her due place and is usually forgotten. But…Fourth Asia Conference of Theology Students (ACTS IV)
Posted On 15 April 2011A total of 31 seminarians attended the Fourth Asia Conference of Theology Students held in Bangkok, Thailand on 3-7 April 2011. Of this number 8 were Catholics while the others came from Protestant and Independent churches in 12 countries of Asia. The theme was "Praying and Working Together for…Letter to Pakistan President
Posted On 06 April 201104 April 2011 His Excellency, Asif Ali Zardari President Islamic Republic of Pakistan Your Excellency: We bring you greetings and blessings from the General Committee of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), a regional ecumenical organization representing a 100 member churches and 16 National…Pastoral letter to Myanmar.
Posted On 31 March 201129 March 2011 Myanmar Council of Churches Myanmar Baptist Convention The Church of the Province of Myanmar Independent Presbyterian Church of Myanmar Mara Evangelical Church Methodist Church, Lower Myanmar Methodist Church, Upper Myanmar Presbyterian Church of Myanmar Beloved Sisters and Brothers…CCA e-Letter - 24/3/11
Posted On 24 March 2011CCA e-Letter 24 March 2011 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ – Japan still takes center stage in our prayers these days. The CCA Office receives updates from members in Japan. Rev. Songwan Hong, General Secretary of the Korean Christian Church in Japan said that basic commodities for…From the General Committee
Posted On 15 March 2011Dear Sisters and Brothers in the CCA Member Churches and Councils: We, Members of the General Committee of the Christian Conference of Asia, write to you from our second meeting in Chiang Mai, this 7th to 9th of March 2011, to affirm the mandate, recommendations and the proposed programs coming…Pastoral Letter to members in Japan
Posted On 15 March 2011Dear Brothers and Sisters in Japan – Our hearts bleed in unspeakable sorrow for the calamity that befell Japan recently, claiming lives and properties in one quick swoop. The potential meltdown of nuclear reactors like a black mantle descending upon strikes fear in our hearts. And all we can do is…