CCA Letter to UNFCC, Bangkok

September 30, 2009
Mr. Yvo de Boer
Executive Secretary
UN Framework and Convention on Climate Change
Dear Mr. de Boer,
Greetings from the General Committee of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), a regional organisation of churches representing 5 million Christians in more than 20 countries. CCA is happy to present the attached Statement on Climate Change as our contribution to the on-going two-week consultations in Bangkok. The CCA General Committee, meets in Bangkok at the same time that representatives of governments, at least 20 United Nations agencies and hundreds of non-governmental and civil society and activist observers gathered for a two week consultation to agree on negotiated terms for tackling climate change beyond 2010 ahead of the UN Climate Conference to be held in Copenhagen in December 2009.
The issue of climate change and consequently global warming and its effects on our planet are urgent concerns that need the attention of the leaders and common people alike, world-wide. In Asia we are constant victims of the severe consequences of climate change and global warming – massive flooding in the Philippines from heavy rains brought about by typhoons, the most recent of which is the devastating effect of the Ketsana (Ondoy) typhoon; flash floods in Taiwan and China, the floods caused by the Nargis cyclone in Myanmar, the perennial floods in Bangladesh and other parts of Asia, as well as the tsunami which hit Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Maldives, India, and Sri Lanka in 2004. At this meeting, we were also informed of the earthquake that hit Indonesia and the tsunami that devastated American Samoa. Increased droughts or the El Nino phenomenon is also a constant threat in many parts of Asia affecting water tables and food production. The changing climate has also had a negative effect on natural flora and fauna in Asia.
Human greed, the obsession for profits and indifference to nature have led to the abuse and mismanagement of the environment and its natural resources.
It is our hope that you as world leaders will commit to address the root of these problems – cut down carbon emissions, prioritize afforestation and limit commercial logging, develop renewable and clean energy sources, promote sustainable life that will help mitigate the negative impact of these ecological issues on populations and communities worldwide.
The CCA and its member churches and Councils in Asia are committed to the global campaign on climate change as a matter of faith.
Yours sincerely,
General Secretary