An Urgent Appeal

No. 36/30 September 2009 |
An Urgent AppealRE: Typhoon Ketsana (Philippine name: Typhoon Ondoy), Dear Member Churches and Councils, It is with shock and sadness that we watched on television and read in the newspapers the destruction and havoc caused to lives and property of thousands of people in the Philippines. We are aware that it is a moment of challenge and a pastoral responsibility to all of us who acknowledge Jesus Christ as Saviour to minister to the victims and mourn with the bereaved, and accompany those who are still searching for missing friends and relatives. These are times which test our faith and also empower us by God's grace to be with the Filipino people and witness to our faith either by word, action or by being a silent presence. We believe this is also a time for us to pool our human and material resources and to work as far as possible ecumenically, and even with people of our sister faiths. It is at times like this that we can demonstrate to the world that our faith which is nurtured by the mind of Christ can transcend all divisions based on religion, class, caste, ethnicity, colour, gender and politics, to ease the pain and suffering of the people and become a beacon of strength and hope to those who have lost almost everything in life. We are making an appeal to all member churches and councils to share their solidarity in this hour of pain and despair by contributing in cash, even in a small way, to the relief and rehabilitation work of the Philippine Churches through the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) which will commence immediately. For your donations and support, please send them to: REV. REX R.B. REYES Account name: National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) Kindly send communications regarding donations/support to Rev. Reyes including your postal address so that NCCP can duly acknowledge receipt. For NCCP's appeal and updates on the aftermath of the typhoon, visit CCA assures you that all those who have become victims of Typhoon Ondoy and all who volunteer to minister to them are remembered in our prayers. With peace and blessings, Yours in Christ, Dr. Prawate Khid-arn Rev. Dr. Rienzie Perera Cc: Rev. Rex RB Reyes, General Secretary, NCCP |