New CCA staff appointments

Associate General Secretary for Finance
Dr Prawate Khid-arn, a Thai national, has been appointed the Associate General Secretary for Fianace of the CCA with effect from November 1, 2003. Prawate, a member of the Church of Christ in Thailand, was a Joint Executive Secretary of the Programme Area on Justice, International Affairs, Development and Service of the CCA. He also served as an Acting Associate General Secretary for Finance. The appointment was made by the CCA General Committee, which met at Bangkok from October 22-26.
Lee Hong Jung
Rev Dr Lee Hong Jung from Korea is the new Joint Executive Secretary for the Programme Area on Justice, International Affairs, Development and Service of the CCA. Currently, he is the Director of Planning, Ecumenical Relations and Information of the Office of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Korea. He has rich ecumenical background through his involvement in the NCC-Korea, CCA, the WCC as well as in WARC and CWM. He will take up the new position on 1 January 2004.