CCA unhappy over sending additional forces to Iraq

The CCA has expressed its concern and displeasure over the Korean governments decision to send additional troops to Iraq.
In a resolution, the 26-member General Committee of the CCA, which met from 22-26 October in Bangkok, urged the Korean government to withdraw the decision which was taken at the behest of the US State Department, and instead work towards building peace and reconciliation in Iraq through participation in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Iraq and its people.
The resolution, which was sent by the CCA General Secretary Dr Ahn Jae Woong to the Korean President, Mr Roh Moo Hyun, expressed solidarity with the Korean people and the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) in their opposition to the governments decision, and expressed full support for their efforts in building peace in Iraq.
20 October 2003
About Korean governments decision to dispatch additional forces to Iraq
1. Korean government decided to dispatch the additional forces lat 18 October, for the sake of national benefit and for the benefit and alliance of Korea and America.
2. Firs of all, Korean governments decision to disptach additional forces is against the wishes of most Korean people who a peaceful world without wars.
3. Although the war has been finished, many Iraqi as well as US soldiers are being wounded. We know that Iraqis are against the USA as well as other countries, which dispatch the forces.
4. In this situation, it is misjudgment and makes international position of Korea down that the Korean government decided to dispatch the additional forces for the sake of the alliance of Korea and America as well as helping the multinational army led by the USA in the name of security and reconstruction of Iraq after the war.
5. Furthermore, Korean people are in chaos whether it is truly beneficial for us since we have to pay thousands of millions of dollars for the additional forces in this hard situation of Korean economy. The Korean government must know that the Korean and America served for the unjustifiable war in other countries. The alliance of Korea and America should serve for peace and security between America and Korea.
6. We urge Korean government to do best for true peace and reconciliation through helping fast reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Iraqi in desperation and suffering out of war.
The National Council of Churches in Korea
General Secretary: Rev Paik Do-Woong
Chairperson of Human Rights Commmittee: Rev Moon Chang-Shik