• Communion Without Walls: At the US-Mexican border

    Posted On 02 July 2013
    Vision of God: Communion Without Walls The United Church of Christ (UCC) in USA invited their global partners to spend two days to share and reflect on their experiences in a consultation focused on one of the burning issues of today, namely “Globalization and Migration: Response from the…
  • Prayers for Uttarakhand, India

    Posted On 28 June 2013
    A Himalayan Tragedy The flood situation in Uttarakhand continues to haunt the minds of everybody, as mammoth rescue operations in the disaster-hit areas near completion. Though a total of 104,095 people have been evacuated, according to reports from the National Disaster Management Authority,…
  • In Memory of Most Rev. I. Jesudasan

    Posted On 20 June 2013
    Most Rev. I. Jesudasan (Former Moderator of the Church of South India) We regret to announce the passing away of the Most Rev. I. Jesudasan of the Church of South India (CSI), in Trivandrum on June 16 at the age of 88. He served as Deputy Moderator of CSI for two years (1980-1982), and as Moderator…
  • ASEAN Christian Universities Leaders Conference

    Posted On 17 June 2013
    CCA General Secretary Greets Participants of the ASEAN Christian Universities Leaders Conference 17 June 2013 The General Secretary of the Christian Conference of Asia, Dr. Henriette Hutabarat Lebang, warmly welcomed educators and administrators of Christian Universities from ASEAN countries during…
  • Solidarity visit to Bhutan

    Posted On 16 June 2013
    May they all be One (John 17:21) : Ecumenical Solidarity Visit to Bhutan An Ecumenical Solidarity Visit to Bhutan, from 13-16 June 2013, was jointly organised by the World Council of Churches-CCIA and the Christian Conference of Asia. Rev. Lhatru Wangchuk, the General Secretary of the National…
  • Asia’s Human Security Challenges

    Posted On 14 June 2013
    Asia’s Human Security Challenges: Towards Sustainable Peace with Justice in North East Asia  “To know what justice is, we need to know what injustice is.  And to know what injustice is we need to experience the plight of the victims”.  ~ Bishop Duleep de Chickera, Sri Lanka An International…
  • Prayers for Central Europe reeling under the worst floods in 70 years

    Posted On 04 June 2013
    "And God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters receded ... and the rain from heaven was restrained." Genesis 8:1 Amid tensions due to seismic upheavals in the Asia Pacific, we at the Christian Conference of Asia, are shocked to hear of the worst flooding in Europe in the last 70 years…
  • World Environment Day - June 5

    Posted On 04 June 2013
    Think. Eat. Save: A Global Challenge and a shared Responsibility The 2013 World Environment Day theme is  Think. Eat. Save. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), every year 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted or lost. This volume of waste is more than the total net…
  • Earthquakes in Taiwan and The Philippines

    Posted On 03 June 2013
    Landslide triggered by the earthquake in Taiwan Under His Wings You will find Refuge The Christian Conference of Asia received with much anxiety and concern, the news about the 6.2-magnitude earthquake that struck Taiwan on Sunday, killing one person and injuring at least 18 others. The tremor, the…
  • E-Letter: Pentecost Greetings

    Posted On 20 May 2013
    Pentecost 19 May 2013 “It is the spirit that gives life...” Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, Pentecost greetings to you. May the Spirit of God continue to empower us in our journey together to manifest the unity of the body of Christ so that we the churches can be a credible instrument of God…
  • Renowned Islamic Scholar Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer passes away

    Posted On 14 May 2013
    The Ecumenical World has lost a friend Christian Conference of Asia regrets to announce the passing away of noted Islamic scholar Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer today in Mumbai, India, after a prolonged illness. He was 73 years old and is survived by a son and a daughter. He was born in a Bohra priestly…
  • Joint Communiqué on the Abduction of Bishop Paul and Bishop John

    Posted On 08 May 2013
    A Call to the World and Churches to Help End Violence Confusion surrounds the whereabouts of the two Orthodox bishops kidnapped in Syria on Monday the 22nd April 2013.  Please see the official joint statement that was released by the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East, and the…
  • 14th Triennial General Assembly of the Council of Churches in Malaysia

    Posted On 08 May 2013
    Behold I Make All Things New The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) expresses warm greetings to the Council of Churches in Malaysia (CCM) on the occasion of the 14th Triennial General Assembly and the Dedication of the new Ecumenical Centre, held from 23-25 April 2013, at Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.…
  • 58th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan

    Posted On 06 May 2013
    Photo credit: Taiwan Church News The 58th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) 9-12 April 2013 Helping One Another and Building the Body of Christ The 58th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) was held from 9-12 April 2013, at Mackay Memorial Hospital…
  • CCA prays for the Archbishops Kidnapped in Aleppo, Syria

    Posted On 25 April 2013
    Syria and Religious Persecution The CCA family is shocked to hear about the kidnapping of Syriac Orthodox and Greek Orthodox Archbishops Yohanna Ibrahim and Paul Yazigi of Aleppo, by armed rebels on Monday, in the northern province of Aleppo. The two bishops are the most senior church leaders…
  • Earthquake in Iran and Pakistan

    Posted On 17 April 2013
    Earthquake hits Iran-Pakistan Border The CCA family received with great shock, anxiety and concern, the news of the second earthquake to hit Iran in less than a week, . This major earthquake described as the strongest to hit Iran in more than half a century flattened homes and offices Tuesday on…
  • CCA General Secretary attends Mekong Mission Forum

    Posted On 16 April 2013
    Mekong Mission Forum Phnom Penh, Cambodia 4-7 April 2013 The General Secretary of CCA, Rev. Dr. Henriette Hutabarat Lebang, attended the Mekong Mission Forum (MMF) held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 4-7 April 2013. She appreciated and honored the invitation received from Rev. Dr. Traugott Farnbacher…
  • Solidarity Visit to Bangladesh

    Posted On 15 April 2013
    Ecumenical Solidarity Team Visit to Bangladesh 5-7 April 2013 The ecumenical family received with great concern and anguish, news about waves of violent attacks against religious minorities in Bangladesh that erupted after war crime tribunals sentenced several public figures for atrocities…
  • Mr. Frans Tumiwa Passes Away

    Posted On 05 April 2013
    A Tribute to Mr. Frans Tumiwa from Indonesia, former CCA Staff Member We regret to announce the death of Mr. Frans Tumiwa dear friend and former staff of the Christian Conference of Asia. On behalf of the CCA family we convey our deep sorrow and prayers to the bereaved family. In a condolence…
  • Pastoral Letter to CCA Member Churches and Councils in Sri Lanka and India

    Posted On 03 April 2013
    They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; so that nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. (Isaiah 2:4) April 3, 2013 To: CCA Member Churches and Council in Sri Lanka and India Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,…