Living Together in the Household of God

The 14th CCA General Assembly
Jakarta, Indonesia
20-27 May 2015
The General Assembly is a special event in the life of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), when representatives of the CCA members -which consist of 101 member churches and 17 national councils and related ecumenical organizations come together for a celebration of faith, reaffirm their fellowship, review and plan program of CCA and elect the leadership of CCA for the next 5 (five) years. The 13th General Assembly was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2010. The 14th General Assembly will be held from 20-27 May 2015, in Jakarta, Indonesia, hosted by the Huria Kristen Batak Protestant, HKBP, Indonesia.
The General Committee that met in Chiang Mai from 26-28 February 2014, decided to accept the invitation of the Christian Protestant Church in Indonesia (Huria Kristen Batak Protestant, HKBP), one of the 32 CCA members in Indonesia, to host the 14th General Assembly of CCA. This Assembly will be held in Jakarta from 20-27 May 2015. The theme of this Assembly is, “Living Together in the Household of God.” In the midst of escalating conflicts and the growing threats to peace and human security in the region as well as the increasing challenges of environmental disasters, churches in Asia are called to reaffirm the sanctity of life of all people and to commit themselves to be co-workers of God in protecting and sustaining the life of all creation. The world that was created by God is the abiding place or the ‘house’ where all God’s creatures live together: people of different backgrounds as well as all of God’s creatures. Therefore all shall continue to live together in harmony. Human beings are mandated to be the good stewards of God’s creation, to take care of the garden of God and all its inhabitants.
Following the tradition of the HKBP which is the host church, the Installation Service of the Local Arrangement Committee (LAC) of the CCA General Assembly was held on Sunday, 12 May 2014, during afternoon worship at HKBP Rawamangun, a congregation of the HKBP in Jakarta. The Installation was conducted by Rev. Willem Simarmata, the Ephorus or Archbishop of HKBP, well attended by the Executive Board of HKBP, and the leadership of the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (or PGI, Persekutuan Gereja-gereja di Indonesia), Rev. Dr. Andreas Yewanggoe, General Chairman and Rev. Gomar Gultom, the General Secretary. The CCA Assembly Planning Committee (APC) comprising Rev. Retno Ngapon, Rev. Dr. Pradit Takerngrangsarit, Rev. Dr. Hermen Shastri, Rev. Gomar Gultom and Rev. Dr. Henriette Hutabarat Lebang, appointed by the CCA General Committee from among its members, were special guests at this significant event. Rev. Dr. Soritua Nababan, former president of CCA and former Ephorus to HKBP, was also present.
On behalf of the General Committee, the CCA General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Henriette Hutabarat Lebang conveyed deep gratitude to HKBP for their invitation and generous offer to host the Assembly and the participants of the Assembly. The Ephorus of HKBP, Rev. Simarmata expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the CCA General Committee for having entrusted HKBP to host this momentous event in the life of CCA. Dr. Yewanggoe said that the Communion of Churches in Indonesia will do its best to provide any assistance needed to make this Assembly a successful one.
This was followed by the first joint meeting of the LAC and the CCA Assembly Planning Committee, thus officially launching the Assembly preparations in ecumenical fellowship and co-operation.
H H Lebang