• Professor Dr. Peter D. Latuihamallo passes away

    Posted On 09 May 2014
    The Christian Conference of Asia regrets to announce the passing away of Professor Dr. Peter D. Latuihamallo around 06.00 am on 9 May 2014, at PGI Cikini Hospital – Jakarta, Indonesia. In a condolence letter to his family, Rev. Dr. Henriette Hutabarat Lebang, General Secretary of the CCA wrote, “…
  • Easter Greetings 2014

    Posted On 20 April 2014
    “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.” Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, This week, from 13-20 April 2014, is a special week in Asia, when many communities celebrate and hope for the newness of life. The people of Thailand celebrated ‘Songkran’ festival,…
  • Child Protection: Training of Trainers

    Posted On 05 April 2014
     Stop Discrimination Against Children Pniel congregation   Protestant Church in West Indonesia (GPIB)  Jakarta 2-4 April 2014   ‘Churches should take the initiative to make sure that church environment is safe for children, and that children are warmly welcomed in their congregations,’ said CCA…
  • CCA Mourns the Passing Away of H H Mar Ignatius Zakka I, Patriarch, Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch

    Posted On 23 March 2014
    Patriarch His Holiness Moran Mar Ignatius Zakka I   The Christian Conference of Asia expresses deep sorrow at the passing away of His Holiness Moran Mar Ignatius Zakka I, the Patriarch of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch and all East, on 21 March in Kiel, Germany, at the age of 81. Mar…
  • CCA Congratulates Dr. Erlinda N. Senturias

    Posted On 23 March 2014
    Dr. Erlinda N. Senturias, physician, educator, ecumenical activist and former staff of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) and World Council of Churches (WCC), was appointed Member of the new Human Rights Victims’ Claims Board of the Philippines, by President Benigno Aquino III, on 13th February…
  • 3rd International Conference on the East Japan Disaster

    Posted On 11 March 2014
    Photo: We Pray and We Work: Youth Volunteers at the Earthquake Site Pray   Against the Myth of Safety of Nuclear Energy Tohuku Gakuin University, Sendai 11-14 March 2014 Three years after the Triple Disasters in Japan rudely jolted the world into sitting up and taking note of the risks of having…
  • Peace and Peoples' Security In North East Asia

    Posted On 10 March 2014
    Churches' Forum to Promote  Peace and People's Security in North East Asia   Tokyo,  10 March 2014 The Churches’ Forum on Peace and People’s Security in North East Asia met at the Office of the National Council of Churches in Japan (NCCJ) in Tokyo, on 10th March 2014, to share emerging socio-…
  • CCA Mourns the Passing Away of Rev. Ron O'Grady

    Posted On 26 February 2014
    Christian Conference of Asia regrets to announce the passing away of Rev.Ron O'Grady on 26 February 2014, at the age of 83 after a battle with cancer. A tireless champion for children's rights and founder of child protection agency ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and the…
  • ‘A Pilgrimage for Justice and Peace’

    Posted On 19 February 2014
      ‘A Pilgrimage for Justice and Peace’ WCC Executive Committee meeting 7-12 Feb 2014 The WCC Assembly that was held with much enthusiasm and excitement in Busan in November 2013 closed with a call ‘challenging all people of good will to engage their God-given gifts in transforming actions.’ This…
  • Prayers for Java, Indonesia

    Posted On 16 February 2014
    Christian Conference of Asia expresses deep shock and sorrow on hearing the news of the explosive volcanic eruption from Mount Kelud on Java Islands, Indonesia, forcing authorities to evacuate more than 100,000 people and close seven airports. We are also disturbed to hear that the volcanic ash has…
  • 100 Years of the National Council of Churches in India

    Posted On 14 February 2014
    2014 NCCI Centenary Year: Towards Integral Mission and Grass-root Ecumenism Hearty congratulations and many prayerful wishes to the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI), on the occasion of the Centenary year celebrations that was launched in Kolkata in the first week of February 2014.…
  • Human Rights Workshop in Kolkatta, India

    Posted On 13 February 2014
    Human Rights and Human Dignity: Ecumenical Advocacy and Prophetic Witness. Kolkatta,  2-5 February 2014 2014 is Centenary Year in the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) and festivities in connection with the Centenary Celebrations were launched in Kolkatta, India from 2-5  February 2014.…
  • Pastoral letter to Churches in Thailand

    Posted On 07 February 2014
    The land of smiles is caught up in political turmoil. Protests that commenced in November 2013,   intensified further and continue to make headlines till date. The boycott of elections and the farmers’ unrest has aggravated matters. As the deadlock continues, apprehensions about the future loom…
  • Pastoral Letter to Churches in Indonesia

    Posted On 07 February 2014
    One of Indonesia's deadliest volcanoes in recent history, Mt. Sinabung, erupted on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, including a local television journalist and several high school students traveling to the region to provide emergency care to families evacuated over the past few months…
  • People On The Move: Mission Roundtable

    Posted On 07 February 2014
      People on the Move Mission Round Table Meeting 10 – 15 January 2014 A Mission Round Table Meeting focusing on “People on the Move in the Asia Pacific” was held in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand from 10-15 January 2014. Thirty-four participants from eleven Asian and Pacific countries gathered to…
  • CCA Mourns the Passing Away of Rev. Dr. Mangisi S.E. Simorangkir

    Posted On 05 January 2014
    The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), regrets to announce the sad demise of Rev. Dr. Mangisi S.E. Simorangkir, Moderator of the CCA Program Area Committee on Faith, Mission and Unity (2010-2015), on Sunday, 22 December 2013. In a condolence letter addressed to his wife Mrs. Sonya Simorangkir-…

    Posted On 31 December 2013
    Christian Conference of Asia wishes everybody a Happy New Year.  You crown the year with your goodness....  Psalm 65:11

    Posted On 23 December 2013
    "Mary and Baby Jesus"  Painting  by Ms. Roshni Roy (16 years), Orthodox Syrian Church, Chennai, India   A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE  “In those days a decree went out… that all the world should be enrolled… And all went to be enrolled, each to his own city.  And Joseph also went from Galilee… to Judea, to…
  • CCA Mourns the Passing away of Dr. Kang Moon-Kyu.

    Posted On 18 December 2013
    The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) received with sadness the news of the passing away of our dear friend Dr. Kang Moon-Kyu. He was an eminent ecumenical leader, who is particularly dear to us, as he served the CCA as General Committee member and Treasurer from 1981-1985. We thank God for the…
  • Celebrating Two Hundred Years of the Myanmar Baptist Convention

    Posted On 10 December 2013
    MYANMAR BAPTIST CONVENTION - BI-CENTENNIAL THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION   5- 8 December 2013 Myanmar Baptist Convention (MBC) celebrated 200th year of the arrival of the first Baptist missionary, Rev. Adoniran Judson from USA. The thanks giving service and festivities from 5-8 December 2013, also…