"Women and HIV/AIDS:
Woman, great is your faith"
The World Health Organization declared the first World AIDS Day in 1988. The day, 1 December, quickly became established as one of the world's most successful commemorative days and is now recognized and celebrated by a diverse range of constituents every year around the globe.
Then, in 1997, recognizing the need for year-round campaign activity for HIV and AIDS, UNAIDS launched the first year-long World AIDS Campaign.
In June 2001, the United Nations General Assembly held a Special Session on HIV/AIDS where governments agreed to a set of targets and goals to fight AIDS in a Declaration of Commitment. Following the session, UN agencies and governments started to organize themselves around the promises outlined in the Declaration. Now, civil society is also seeking to ensure its campaigning and advocacy efforts are similarly coordinated through a strengthened World AIDS Campaign.
The year 2004 sees the Campaign entering an exciting transition phase. The theme for World AIDS Day 2004 focuses on "Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS". Women and girls are particularly vulnerable to HIV infection and to the impact of AIDS. Around half of all people living with HIV in the world are female. The rate of HIV infection among young people worldwide is growing rapidly - 67% of newly infected individuals in the developing world are young people aged between 15 and 24 years. The escalating risk is especially evident among young women and girls (15-24 years), who make up 64% of the young people in developing countries living with HIV/AIDS.
The World AIDS Campaign accelerates the global response to HIV and AIDS through a focus on women and girls - preventing new infections, promoting equal access to treatment and mitigating the impact of AIDS.
A small resource pack has been produced produced by the Christian Conference of Asia, the Hong Kong Christian Council and the St. John's Cathedral HIV Education Centre. Please click here to download the resources pack.
We hope you will use these resources as a tool for education in worship bringing Light, Hope and Justice into the world. Please fee free to adapt the liturgy for your own setting and choosing your own music and hymns.