Theologizing on Migration

As a follow-up to the consultation on migrant workers' struggles in Kaohsiung, Taiwan in November 2003, a small group consultation was held in Hong Kong on April 19.
Jointly organized by CCA-FMU and the Mission to Filipino Migrant Workers, the consultation gathered 20 church workers and theologians dealing with Indonesian and Filipino migrant workers in Hong Kong as well as a representative each from the National Council of Churches in the Philippines and the Communion of Churches in Indonesia.
The group shared reflections on such questions as: "where is God and what is God saying in situation of forced migration?"; "what is God telling us, churches and Christians [in the host countries and countries of origin], about ministering to migrant workers and their families"?; "what alternative vision is there for migrant workers, their families, and the churches"? These reflections will be disseminated later.
It is hoped that through these initial attempts at theologizing on migration, churches will be helped to deal with struggles of migrant workers and their families.