Symposium on Ecumenism in the 21st Century organized by the Hong Kong Christian Council, 15-17th January, Hong Kong
The Youth Secretary attended the above mentioned symposium along with other colleagues from CCA. The symposium featured prominent speakers, including Dr. Konrad Raiser, former GS of WCC, Dr. Philip Wickeri of SFTS, Dr. C. S. Song of GTU, and Dr. Ahn Jae Woong, GS, CCA, among many other distinguished panelists.
It was a time to reflect on the role of the ecumenical movement globally, regionally in Asia, and in Hong Kong. The following issues emerged:
1. The need for the Christian and church mission to be focussed on the people. As the ecumenical movement is of the churches, this understanding of mission should apply to the ecumenical movement too.
2. The need for the ecumenical movement to be consolidated in its response, which required a reconfiguration of the ecumenical movement. Unity and coordination was stressed over conformity or uniformity.
3. The role that the churches and the ecumenical movement have played in Hong Kong was appreciated and encouraged.
4. The need for there to be ecumenical formation of the present generation of church leaders. This was also expressed in terms of the ecumenical movement to articulate its mission and vision in clear language and one that speaks the language of the churches in a more direct way.
5. It was noted with concern that there was an urgent need to focus on the ecumenical formation among the youth in churches, if the movement is to survive and pass on to healthy leadership.