Statement of the CCA-WSCF joint consultation 2003

We, the participants in the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA)-World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) joint consultation held in Hong Kong 3-4 December 2003 at the CCA Centre, have come together to re-assess the ecumenical student ministry in the Asia-Pacific region and to affirm its vision and mission.
Through the presentations and the sharings, we realise that the current educational system remains elitist, commercialised, repressive and colonial. This ailenates the students from burning social concerns and from the people's movement for change and transformation. We further recognise that there are seeming differences in the way the ecumenical students and youth ministry is perceived by the churches.
WE affirm that there is a need for a dismantling-supplanting ministry which consistently critique the current education system and to propose student-centred alternatives. We realise the uniqueness of the SCMs and the need for continuous and constructive dialogue between the Church and the SCMs at all levels. We feel the call to be a relevant and transformiong presence in our societies.
In the light of these challenges and realisations, we recommend:
- To encourage dialogue between NCCs and SCMs especially in countries where relations are weak
- To continue mutually enhancing partnership in programs between the WSCF-AP and the CCA
- To form a joint committee mandated by the decision-making bodies of both organisations to ensure the implementation and monitoring of suggested action plans of this consultation
This statement signifies the renewed energy and commitment to be put into the student ministry in order to develop the potentials of the future leaders. We believe that the ecumenical partnership between the CCA and the WSCF will play an important role in enhancing this development. Hence, we conclude this statement with our commitment to activley involve in the challenges that are faced by the student ministry and to provide it with the guiding tools to help develop the vitality in the mission of ecumenical student ministry.