Solidarity Letters to Health Ministry, Thailand

Ministry of Public Health
Tivanont Rd., T. Talatkwan
A.Muang, Nonthaburi 11000, Thailand
Dear Dr.Mongkol Na Songkla,
Greetings from Christian Conference of Asia, Chiang Mai!
The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) founded in 1957 is a regional ecumenical organization based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. CCA includes 16 national councils of churches and nearly 100 churches from nineteen countries in Asia.
We, the members of the Christian Conference of Asia are writing to express our deep concern over the decision of the United States to put Thailand on its “priority watch list” for intellectual property piracy.
We wish to offer our solidarity and support to the Ministry of Public Health, Thailand in your seeking application of compulsory licensing of patents on anti-retroviral drugs and heart medications for better living of patients and the poor in Thailand. We recognize that your demand is in accord with the World Trade Organization (WTO) decision which allows developing countries to produce or import generic versions of patented drugs for government use.
We denounce the United States’ move to downgrade Thailand to a country deemed to have poor intellectual property protection and for putting Thailand on the priority watch list. Their action serves commercial interest only and disregards the right to basic health care and right to life to the people in Thailand. The government of Thailand has been one of the leading countries in providing access to inexpensive and quality medical treatment to people living with HIV and AIDS. This action by the United States poses a great threat to the people living with HIV, thereby denying their right to health care and to life itself.
Health care and availability of life saving drugs is important in the context of national health infrastructures in the developing countries. In fact, all human beings have a right to a standard of living that affords adequate health and medical care. We believe that public health consideration must be given first priority over profit and commercial interests.
Therefore, we join together with the health advocates in Thailand and around the world, who have voiced their opposition against the United States and reaffirm our support and solidarity to the Ministry of Public Health in your intense efforts to ensure access to life saving drugs for the majority of those living with HIV/AIDS in Thailand.
In solidarity,
Prawate Khid-arn