Prayer Breakfast to Celebrate Asia Sunday

The Christian Conference of Asia and the Hong Kong Christian Council co-organized a breakfast prayer meeting on April 21 in order to bring to the attention of churches and ecumenical bodies the purpose of Asia Sunday celebration.
In his reflection titled "Serving Together",the Rev. Ralph Lee, president of the Methodist Church in Hong Kong and minister of Ward Methodist Church in Kowloon, called on the Hong Kong churches to work for unity among themselves even as they tried to serve together the wider society.
Also taking parts in the service were Archbishop Peter Kwong of the Anglican Church, Bishop Joseph Zen of the Catholic Church and Lt. Col. Tan Than Seng of the Salvation Army Hong Kong and Macau Command.
Around 65 people, including leaders and representatives of churches, ecumenical organizations and NGOs attended the breakfast prayer meeting.
With the theme, "Serving Together Beyond Boundaries, Asia Sunday falls on 23 May 2004. However, Asian churches may opt to have Asia Prayer Day on other days of worship (e.g. Friday in Bangladesh or Saturday in Nepal). This year, special offerings are encouraged to be made as a gesture of solidarity with the Lao Evangelical Church, a young church member of CCA.