Next Asia Sunday to be on 23 May 2004

The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) has decided to observe next year's Asia Sunday on 23 May 2004. The theme, "Serving together beyond boundaries" is based on lectionary texts for that Sunday, which include Jesus's prayer for unity (John 17:20-26).
Dr Ahn Jae Woong, CCA general secretary in a letter sent, among others, to the member churches, national councils and ecumenical partners suggested that another day in 2004 can be set aside for observing Asia Sunday, if 23 May is not convenient. He also suggested that in places where Sunday is not a holiday, another day can be selected and called Asia Prayer Day.
He urged the churches and organisations to plan for a special offering on that day which will go to help the Lao Evangelical Chuch in Laos.
The Asia Sunday 2004 booklet, containing different liturgical resources like ideas for sermon, songs/hymns, prayers and litanies will be ready soon.