Mission and Youth in a Context of Globalization

Twenty-five young people from various churches and youth organizations in Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America participated in a seminar on mission and youth in the context of globalization at the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, Switzerland on 17-23 August.
Through worship, community building activities, creative and participatory Bible studies, small group discussions, sharing of experiences, analysis of realities and issues, as well as cultural art forms, the group reflected on the role of young people and the church in carrying out mission in today's challenging context. Apart from the economic and political aspects of globalization, the young people acknowledged how the cultural aspects are seriously influencing young people today so that young people have "consciously and unconsciously become its agents".
The group however affirmed that globalization does not have the last word. "More and more young people are becoming aware and are challenged to affirm their Christian faith through finding innovative alternatives and strategies in education and advocacy" to counter the negative impact of globalization.
"As young people, we understand mission today as the announcement and realization of the fullness of life for all, which is the message of the Word of God," they said in a statement. This is done through witnessing and action both within the church and the wider society. Mission is also faith in action, they affirmed, "where 'we should walk the talk' if we are to be true to our calling".
The group included a message to the World Council of Churches' Conference on World Mission and Evangelism, urging the conference to seriously consider the context of globalization today as part of the realities which mission efforts should address, and to enable the full participation of young people in all processes.
Hope Antone of CCA-FMU was invited by the Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Tapia (faculty of Bossey and in-charge of the seminar) as one of the Bible study leaders and co-facilitator with Andreas Nufer.