Letter from the human rights meeting

Thirty participants from 18 countries, who attended the eighth human rights training program organised by the CCA in Jakarta, Indonesia has issued the following letter to the churches in Asia.
The participants unanimously resolved to write to all the churches to request action on Human Rights matters.
We learnt that enjoyment of Human Rights is firmly grounded in our biblical and theological tradition. We learnt that the Church is a sanctuary for all. And we heard Gods call to all Churches to be responsive to the Gospel in bringing the Good News to all those who suffer human rights abuses and for us to be a peacemaker. We also noted that all countries experience some form of Human Rights violations or another.
We therefore respectfully request your consideration of the following points:
1. The Church is a sanctuary for all
2. The Church is to lead by example be the salt of the earth and the light of the world that Christ has called us to be
3. The Church is a vehicle to encourage sound theological Human Rights education from the pulpit, in Christian Education and Sunday Schools
4. To put a copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 on church bulletin boards
5. That Human Rights include socio-economic rights and redistributive justice
6. The Church should take care of and help the victims of human rights abuses, and recognize that those who have gone through fairly traumatic experience and/or pro-longed abuse will have some psychological barriers to break before they could really get back in life
7. All Churches must stand united for Human Rights and take action against Human Rights violations
8. The Church should promote interfaith dialog and relationship
9. The Church should promote human rights to the community as whole and giving Human Rights education to other faith believers as well
10. The Church should establish a trust fund for Human Rights
11. All Churches should lobby the government to practice the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted and proclaimed by the United Nations since 1948
12. All Churches should network internationally to promote Human Rights and increase support for the work of the World Council of Churches or Christian Conference of Asia in organizing Human Rights trainings.
August 14,2004
The Participants of the 8th
CCA-Annual Human Rights Training