To the leaders of the Church in Sudan

September 4, 2004
Brothers and sisters,
We write to you from Nairobi, Kenya, where we are meeting as representatives of the Christian ecumenical bodies of the eight continents and regions of the World -- Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, North America, and the Pacific -- and of the World Council of Churches. We are meeting during a time of appalling and continuing instances of conflict and violence, from nearby Sudan to North Ossetia in Russia and in the Middle East, but we greet you in the name of him who said, "Blessed are the peacemakers."
Sudan has had a special place in the life and mission of the ecumenical movement since our ecumenical engagements in the peace process go way back to the early seventies. WCC and AACC have played a major role in giving an ecumenical and global voice to the prevailing situation in the Sudan. We affirm the Pastoral visit to North Sudan by WCC and the AACC earlier this year as an exercise of listening to the Churches, seeing the situation first hand and also encouraging you to embrace the hope for peace. We assure you of the love, care and solidarity of the churches of the World. We pledge ourselves to continue to urge the Churches of the World to work closely with the ecumenical fellowship in Sudan to promote health, food security and education for all people in the country.
The situation in both the Darfur Region and Southern Sudan continues to be a source of great concern to us. WE have been greatly encouraged by the signing of the peace agreements in Naivasha on June 13th, 2004. We are conscious of your concern that all the stakeholders should be encouraged and required to abide by the terms of agreement. We see your self-determination achieved. We will urge the Church to be vigilant in order to ensure that the peace agreements from the Naivash meetings are implemented without rancor and take effect on schedule. We are anxious that the loose ends in the agreements will be soon tied up. The world church is standing by to respond to the call to assist in the daunting challenge of rebuilding your beautiful country.
The urgency for the resolution of the crisis in the Darfur Region is a matter of great priority for us. We are disturbed at the continuing killings of the people by the Janjaweed militias. We insist on the responsibility of the Government of Sudan in fulfilling its responsibility of caring for all the peoples of Sudan. We add our voice to those that call for a free movement of the humanitarian agencies to provide care and assistance to the people caught up in this unfortunate situation. We are greatly encouraged by the sending of peace forces into the Sudan by the African Union. As representatives of World Ecumenical Christianity we assure you of our solidarity with you in your ministry in this situation and long for the day these conflicts will be finally resolved.
In the light of this we stand to hear from you more of how we would be of greater assistance to you and communities in the struglle for peace in Sudan.
Your Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The Revd Dr H Mvume Dandala
General Secretary
All Africa Council of Churches
Tel: +254-20-4441338/9
Dr Ahn Jae Woong
General Secretary
Christian Conference of Asia
Tel: +852-2691-1068
The Rt Rev Dr Kingsley Lewis
Member Continuation Committee
Caribbean Conference of Churches
The Revd Dr Keith Clements
General Secretary
Conference of European Churches
Tel: +41-22-791-6226
The Revd Israel Batista
General Secretary
Latin American Council of Churches
Guirguis I. Saleh
General Secretary
Middle East Council of Churches
Tel: +9613-903523; or +2012-3998833
The Revd Dr Karen Hamilton
General Secretary
Canadian Council of Churches
Tel: +1-416-972-9494 ext 22
The Revd Valamotu Palu
General Secretary
Pacific Conference of Churches
The Revd Dr Bob Edgar
General Secretary
National Council of Churches USA
Tel: +1-212-870-3398 (office), +1-917-821-0852 (cell)
The Revd Dr Sam Kobia
General Secretary
World Council of Churches
This letter is facilitated through the office of the General Secretary of the World Council of Churches:
PO Box 2100
150 route de Ferney
CH-1211 Geneva 2
Tel: +44-22-791-6284