A German church delegation on its way to China stops in Hong Kong and visits CCA

Delegation of the council of EKD from Germany with the CCA
staff. Front(From left): Cora Tabing-Reyes, Rolf Koppe, Kara
Huber-Kaldrack, Ahn Jae Woong, Wolfgang Huber, Frauke
Hansen-Dix, Alexander Dix, Paul Oppenheim, Michael Lackner,
Margit Fleckenstein, Gabi Hettler. Back (From left) Maren von
der Heyde,Josef Widyatmadja, Hermann Grohe, Hope Antone,
Konrad von Bonin, Tony Waworuntu, Prawate Khid-arn, Christoph
Hildebrandt-Ayasse, Monika Gaenssbauer, Philip Mathew
Peace building and interreligious dialogue are important tasks
for Christians all over the world, says German church leader
HONG KONG -- Building peace based on justice, and initiating dialogues between religions are important tasks for Christians all over the world, said a renowned German church leader here on 6 October.
Dr Wolfgang Huber, a noted theologian and bishop of the Evangelical Church in Berlin-Brandenburg told a meeting organised by the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) that interreligious dialogue is a major task of our time.
We have many tasks to do together, like exchanging, encouraging and seeking Gods blessing for our common ministry, Bishop Huber, who is leading a 14-member delegation of the Council of Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland -- Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) to China, told the meeting.
The German delegation visited the CCA Centre during their stopover in Honk Kong and met with the CCA General Secretary Ahn Jae Woong and the staff, and the staff of Documentation for Action Groups in Asia (DAGA) and the Ecumenical Coalition on Tourism (ECOT).
Bishop Huber, who is the chairman of the Council of the EKD, said that the delegations visit was mainly to broaden their perspectives and to see how Christians in this part of the world cooperate with each other in dealing with many common issues and concerns.
Earlier, welcoming the delegation, Ahn Jae Woong noted that Christians, who are religious minorities in Asia, have to live our lives based on the biblical teaching of love our neighbours as ourselves.
Rediscovering the Christian identity and ecumenical commitment and reengaging and networking with people are ecumenical tasks at this point of time in history, he said.
The general secretary thanked the German churches for their unstinted support and encouragement for the ecumenical movements in these trying times.
Your continued support, solidarity and prayers are one of the great sources of strength to our ecumenical ministry in Asia, he added.
The delegation heard brief presentations of the work of the CCA, DAGA and ECOT made by Prawate Khid-arn, Chan Beng Seng and Ranjan Solomon repectively.
Among the members of the delegation were Dr Konrad von Bonin, executive director of the Church Development Agency (EED), Bishop Rolf Koppe, head of the department of Ecumenical Affairs and Ministries Abroad in the Church Office of the EKD, Ms Margit Fleckenstein, president of the Synod, member of the Council of the EKD, Mr Herman Grohe, member of parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany, Rev Maren von der Heyde executive secretary for Asia and Middle East and associate general secretary of the Association of Protestant Churches and Missions in Germany (EMW), Rev Paul Oppenheim, executive regional secretary for Asia, Australia and Pacific in the Church Office of the EKD, Ms Kara Huber-Kaldrack, Dr Frauke Hansen-Dix, Dr Alexander Dix, Ms Gabi Hettler, Dr Michael Lackner, and Dr Monika Gaenssbauer.
CCA General Secretary welcoming the delegation
Leader of the delegation Wolfgang Huber addressing the meeting
Ahn Jae Woong presenting a memento to Wolfgang Huber
Paul Oppenheim, Konrad von Bonin and Maren von der Heyde with
Ahn Jae Woong at the CCA canteen
German delegation at the CCA canteen