Earthquake hits Aceh in Indonesia and rattles Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and India as well this afternoon
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
We are dismayed to hear about the earthquake of 8.7 magnitude, that has hit Banda Aceh this afternoon, triggering tremors at Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and India, including Chennai, Bangalore and Kolkata. Reports say that a Tsunami watch has been issued for countries across the Indian Ocean on Wednesday. You may remember that Aceh was badly hit even in the earthquake and Tsunami that struck in 2004.
Let us pray for people living in these areas that are prone to seismic activity and are also under the threat of Tsunami. May God be our refuge and fortress, and may He stretch forth His hands and calm the seas and the storms that rage around us. Let us be still and know that He is God. Rev. Dr. Henriette Hutabarat Lebang General Secretary