Decade to Overcome Violence - Asia Focus in 2005

In 2005, the focus of the Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV) will be on Asia.
Recognizing that many churches in Asia have participated and continue to participate in the promotion of the Decade to Overcome Violence, CCA staff pointed out that the DOV focus on Asia will be a time to celebrate the various efforts to overcome violence, even as CCA shall seek to widen its network on peace to include civil society and other religious groups.
This was shared at the April 22nd meeting in Hong Kong between CCA staff and a team on DOV from the WCC.
The 12th CCA General Assembly theme, "Building Communities of Peace for All" will also be the theme for the DOV Focus on Asia in 2005. The theme reflects Asia's particular reality of diversity, i.e. the reality of many communities rather than one, yet bound by a common vision of peace for all.
CCA staff presented a list of causes of violence in the region, the forms and gravity of which vary widely and yet are so interrelated. These are: geopolitics, economic globalization and cultural domination; religious fundamentalism; ethnic conflicts; poverty and unemployment or underemployment; structural violence and culture of violence; discrimination, racism, inequality; gender injustice; colonial/cold-war legacy; ecological violence; and subtle forms of violence like mental and psychological violence and violence through education and textbooks.
Part of the plan is for CCA to explore the possibility of engaging in advocacy that will bring issues of violence to the attention of perpetrators themselves and to encourage churches and NCCs in Asia to share strategies in peacemaking, conflict transformation, and healing.
CCA staff and consultants were joined by CCA president Wong Wai Ching at the meeting while the DOV team was composed of Hansurlich Gerber (WCC DOV coordinator), Mathews George (WCC Asia Secretary) Kang Moon Kyu (WCC president), and Judo Poerwowidagdo and Augusto Kelly Lawig, WCC DOV Reference Group members.