A Christmas Message from the Officers of the CCA

"Do not be afraid; for see -- I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord." (Luke 2:10-11, NRSV)
Just as the first Christmas happened at a time of great fear and uncertainty, so this year's Christmas comes at a time of continuing threat to life's dignity, security and sustainability in the wake of massive poverty, widespread unemployment, increasing incidence of violence, not only against humanity but also against the whole web of life including ecology.
It is significant that the first Christmas message should begin with the statement, "Do not be afraid" for the peace of imperial Rome did not bring about true peace for the people who were colonized, devastated, and impoverished. Still today, the peoples in Asia have to contend with imperial powers and dominating tendencies within as well as between their countries.
It is significant that the first Christmas message to the people should begin with, "Do not be afraid" for the good news promised reversals in the state of things, and that would have been upsetting to the status quo. Yet the good news is too hard to come by these days in the midst of advanced information technology but also the proliferation of misinformation and false information, if not lack of information.
It is significant that the first Christmas message should begin with "Do not be afraid" for the sharing of the good news of fullness of life for all people requires enduring faithfulness, daring commitment and courageous risk-taking.
We hope that the member churches and national councils of churches of the Christian Conference of Asia will indeed find strength and hope in this assurance, call and challenge "not to be afraid" and so participate in the life and work of the Messiah and bearer of the good news not only during this Christmas season but also into the New Year.
As we look forward to 2005, may we indeed be assured of the gift of peace that Christ gives. It is a gift, which is also our task, as we commit ourselves together to "Building Communities of Peace for All".
Wish you a meaningful Christmas and a New Year filled with peace and grace!
Members of the Presidium
Jennifer Dawson (Aotearoa--New Zealand)
Wong Wai Ching (Hong Kong)
Joseph Mar Irenaeus (India)
Anthony Row (Malaysia)
Honorary Treasurer
Israel Paulraj (Sri Lanka)
General Secretary
Ahn Jae Woong (Korea)