Christmas Greetings 2007

"Glory to God in the highest
and on earth peace to those with whom he is pleased” [Lk. 2:14]
On this joyous occasion of the sweet remembrance of Lord Jesus who brought Light to the world, I wish you all a merry Christmas and bright and happy New Year full of new aspirations to fulfill the mission of God.
The true spirit of Christmas reflects our dedication to helping those in need, to giving hope to those in despair, and to spreading peace and understanding throughout the Earth. As we share love and enjoy the spirit of Christmas, may we bring back into focus the significance of Lord Jesus’ arrival into this world. May we find ways to freely extend ourselves to those who struggle for peace, justice and hope.
The angels have once again become recognized as our heavenly guides calling us to examine our souls, to improve our treatment of our fellow human beings, to resist passing judgment on others, and to put aside intolerance and prejudice in favor of becoming more loving and forgiving. They have given us warnings, admonitions, prophetic messages, visions, and even physical assistance.
God's gift to us is a transformed heart- a transformation of our deepest being. It is a transformation that leads us to know and to love our Creator and our neighbors. The birth of Jesus brought about the end of our alienation from God. It brought about reconciliation to God and among His creation.
The true meaning of Christmas is that Lord Jesus, our savior has come to us in the midst of the battle for our lives and souls, the battle for true peace, joy and love.
"God sent his only son to the tenants. “I am sure they will respect my son,” God said. But those tenants said to one another, “This is the owner’s son. Come on, let’s kill him and his property will be ours” So they seized the son and killed him and threw his body out of the vineyard (Mk. 12: 6-8)
Let our hearts be freed of evil,
Let our hearts be filled with love and affection,
Let our songs glorify the Lord.
Let our Christmas message be clear,
There will be peace.
There will be liberation.
There will be freedom.
There will be hope.
Rejoice, Christ, our Lord and Savior, is born.
Prawate Khid-arn
General Secretary
Christian Conference of Asia