CCA Organises HIV and AIDS Awareness Programme in Kingdom of Bhutan
“This is the first time for me and my friends to attend an awareness building training on HIV and AIDS; it has been very informative for young people of Bhutan. We could understand the seriousness of HIV and AIDS through discussions, games, workshops and other learning processes. I promise to share this awareness information to my friends and to share this information with as many as possible in Bhutan”, said Tsheyang Dema, a young lady from Thimphu, Bhutan, who attended the three-day training programme organized by the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) from 17 to 19 August.
An awareness building training on Combating HIV and AIDS was organized by CCA in Paro, Bhutan was attended by 29 young people from different parts of the Royal Kingdom of Bhutan. The first case of HIV in Bhutan was detected in 1993 and since then, the number of HIV and AIDS cases detected through clinical and laboratory testing have been increasing in the country. The age of HIV cases reported are mostly among young people starting from age 19. However, the actual numbers of HIV cases are likely to be higher than the official statistics of the Ministry of Health in Bhutan. It is suspected that a large number of cases go undetected due to the low numbers of voluntary counseling and testing facilities, and the long asymptomatic duration during which HIV infection can remain undetected.
The topics during the two days training focused on understanding HIV and AIDS, Reproductive Health, Voluntary Counseling, Confidential Testing, and Pastoral Counseling, using a participatory method involving the participants.
“As ecumenical ambassadors to propagate the message of the dangers of HIV and AIDS, all participants committed to go back to their respective places and share the information, especially the prevention message, to maintain the low prevalence of HIV & AIDS in Bhutan,” said Dr. Alphinus Kambodji, coordinator of CCA’s HIV and AIDS advocacy programme.