CCA opens applications for year-long youth internship programme
Chiang Mai: Applications are now invited for the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA)’s year-long youth internship programme at the CCA Headquarters in Chiang Mai, Thailand, for young Asians between the ages of 23–29. Through offering this youth internship opportunity, the CCA will train young Asian ecumenists, develop their leadership skills, and enrich their ecumenical formation. Three young ecumenists who are committed to the ideals of the ecumenical movement will be selected from among the applicants sponsored and recommended by the CCA’s member churches/councils and ecumenical partner organisations. Selected candidates will be assigned to work with a specific programmatic area/communications initially for one year from 1 June 2023 to 31 May 2024. This may be extended for a second term provided the candidate satisfactorily demonstrates their competence, performance, and commitment during the internship. For more information regarding general requirements and other details, please download the Information Sheet here: CCA Youth Internship 2023–2024 Information Sheet.pdf All applications must be submitted via Google Forms (this includes uploading all supporting documents): The deadline for submitting the completed application form along with supporting documents is 28 February 2023. For queries, please write to [email protected]