CCA Initiates New Program for Molding Young Ambassadors of Peace in Asia
As part of a new program thrust focusing on ‘Building Peace and Moving beyond Conflicts’, the Christian Conference of Asia is initiating a series of trainings for young Asians to be ambassadors of peace with an aim to equip and motivate young people to be peacebuilders.
The main objective of the program is to create sustainable networks of young peace activists and volunteers as ambassadors of peace with increased levels of competence in working with and within conflict afflicted communities in Asia.
The new initiative will begin with the training of the first batch of Young Ambassadors of Peace in Asia (YAPA). YAPA training is to be held from 12 to 18 June 2016 at Payap University, Chiang Mai, Thailand and will bring together 25 young participants selected from various Asian countries.
According to Dr Mathews George Chunakara, the General Secretary of CCA, “as young people are the next generation of leaders at every level in society, CCA believes that young people in Asia can be prospective agents of positive changes who can perform in effective roles in peacemaking, and as such, YAPA is geared towards identifying, training and multiplying more young peacemakers in Asia”.
The coordinators of YAPA, Rev. Dedi Pardosi and Miss Angela Kim said that “the training will provide opportunities for young Asians to be in more robust dialogue on issues of conflict resolution and peace building, and participants will be equipped with tools for advocacy, lobbying, consultation and meditation for building peace”.
The training modules have been designed to enable young Asians to promote and create a culture of peace in their home communities and beyond.
The proposed YAPA training will be continued on an annual basis for the next four years, and an Asia Youth Assembly on Peace in Asia (AYAPA) will be the culminating event.
Invitations for nominations are being sent out to CCA member churches and councils. CCA welcomes all members to nominate strong candidates between the ages of 20-30 with strong motivation and prior background in peacemaking processes in their local contexts to participate in the training.