CCA General Secretary’s Statement on International Women’s Day -2019
CCA General Secretary’s Statement on International Women’s Day -2019
The world needs a transformative shift to ensure gender parity
International Women’s Day is an occasion every year on March 8 to appreciate, recognize, celebrate, reflect, inspire and convey the message to people and communities across the world to be mindful of the urgent need for the participation of women and men in all walks of life with equality.
The theme of the International Women’s Day-2019, “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change”, once again reminds us of innovative ways in which the world can advance gender equality. The goal of achieving a world where gender equality is ensured at all levels requires constant struggle not only by women, but by both women and men. Although women all over the world participate in socio-economic and political activities, but their contributions are not recognized. The empowerment of women is a need of the hour in every society and in all aspects of life. Despite the fact that innovation and technological advancement provide unprecedented opportunities for people, our world continues to face a growing gender divide, as women continue to face gender inequality in many areas. A growing trend of continuing disproportionate roles of women and men in society hampers gender equality and the establishment of more inclusive systems. In order to overcome such divisions and reach the goal of equality at all levels, the world needs a transformative shift, especially in removing structural barriers at every level of society.
The observance of International Women’s Day is a unique opportunity for all those who are concerned to convey the message of hope to the world that gender parity in all walks of life is a paramount target of humanity. Faith-based organizations have a major role in achieving the goal of shaping the future of societies and inclusive communities with gender equality.
Mathews George Chunakara
General Secretary, CCA