CCA extends solidarity and prayers to the people of Australia

Programme Review and Programme Direction

Two key deliberative sessions during the 15th CCA General Assembly are the Programme Review and Programme Direction sessions.

The Programme Review and Programme Direction sessions will both be conducted in three groups relating to the CCA’s programme areas, namely, (i) General Secretariat (GS), (ii) Mission in Unity and Contextual Theology (MU) and Ecumenical Leadership Formation and Spirituality (EF); and (iii) Building Peace and Moving Beyond Conflicts (BP) and Prophetic Diakonia (PD).

Assembly participants will have the option to join one of three groups for both the Programme Review and Programme Direction sessions. For the sake of coherence, the assigned group will remain the same for both sessions.

General Secretariat

The General Secretariat oversees the coordination of programmatic, administrative, and financial activities of the organization. The GS comprises various departments such as church and ecumenical relations, relations with ecumenical partners, finance, administration, and communications, which provide crucial support and services for the implementation of programs and contribute to the overall functioning of the CCA.

Programmes: Relations with member churches and councils, ecumenical partners; advocacy at the United Nations; ecumenical responses to emerging issues in solidarity; income development and finance; and communications.

Mission in Unity and Contextual Theology (MU) and Ecumenical Leadership Formation and Spirituality (EF)

Under the MU programme area, the CCA accompanies Asian churches to strengthen their mission and witness in multi-religious contexts, revitalise and nurture church unity and the Asian ecumenical movement, and develop contextual theological foundations.

Programmes: Asian Movement for Christian Unity (AMCU); Congress of Asian Theologians (CATS); Asian women doing theology in the context of wider ecumenism; contextualisation of theology in Asia and ecumenical theological education.

The EF programme area focuses on nurturing and developing ecumenical leaders in Asia. The programme aims to enhance spiritual formation and theological understanding, enabling people to actively engage in ecumenical dialogue and collaboration.

Programmes: Ecumenical Enablers’ Training in Asia (EETA); Asian Ecumenical Institute (AEI); Youth and Women Leadership Development; Ecumenical Spirituality and Nurturing of Contextual Liturgical Traditions; Asia Sunday

Building Peace and Moving Beyond Conflicts (BP) and Prophetic Diakonia and Advocacy (PD)

The BP programme area is dedicated to promoting peace, justice, and reconciliation in Asia’s diverse contexts. Through training, advocacy, and dialogue, the programme addresses the root causes of conflicts, empowers communities, and fosters sustainable peacebuilding initiatives.

Programmes: Pastoral Solidarity Visits; Churches in Action for Moving Beyond Conflict and Resolution; Young Ambassadors of Peace in Asia (YAPA); Ecumenical Women’s Action Against Violence (EWAAV); Eco-Justice for Sustainable Peace in the Oikos.

The PD programme area focuses on promoting justice, human rights, and social transformation in Asia. Through advocacy, capacity-building, and raising awareness, the programme addresses systemic injustice, empowers marginalised communities, and advocates for prophetic actions and meaningful change.

Programmes: Human Rights advocacy; Migration, Statelessness, and Trafficking in Persons; Asian Ecumenical Disability Advocacy Network; Asian Advocacy Network on the Dignity and Rights of Children (AANDRoC); Ecumenical Solidarity Accompaniment and Diakonia in Asia (ESADA); Health and Healing; Good Governance; Action Together to Combat HIV and AIDS in Asia (ATCHAA).

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    australia-bushfire-2020-u-billboard-1548                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Kate Geraghty/The SMH/Fairfax Media via Getty Images

    In light of the recent fiery catastrophes that have ravaged Australia, the CCA General Secretary Dr Mathews George Chunakara has sent the following pastoral letter to the National Council of Churches in Australia and the CCA Member Churches in Australia. The full text of the letter can be found below. 

    CCA Member Churches in Australia
    National Council of Churches in Australia

    Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

    It is with great anxiety and grief that the world received the news and images of the catastrophic bushfires that continue to ravage colossal loss in Australia during the last few months. It was indeed painful to know about the massive destruction in which at least 25 people have died and more than 10 million hectares of bush, forest, and parks have been burned, more than 2000 homes have been destroyed, and more than one billion animals killed as the fires have worsened.

    As the people of Australia are struggling to be relieved from the horror and trauma of their ordeal, the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) expresses deep sympathy and mourns the loss of precious lives, the displacement of families, and the widespread damage to infrastructure in affected areas.

    The CCA and several of its member churches have been praying for all Australian people, especially for those who have suffered, who mourn, and for those who are fearful and anxious of their lives and security. We pray that all people who have been affected by the fires be comforted, and all those who have voluntarily stepped up and joined relief operation services continue to be encouraged.

    We are thankful to God for the extraordinary kindness shown by the Australian churches and other member churches of the National Council of Churches in Australia, who have been tirelessly and unceasingly working to help mitigate the devastation. We hear stories of generous support and hospitality that has been shown to both humans and wildlife. The resolve and outpouring of love from Australian churches in the form of personal and pastoral care, especially in guiding families and communities in hope are greatly appreciated by the world’s ecclesiastical and ecumenical communities.

    At this time of the traumatic experiences of the Australian people, we join the churches in Australia and pray with them:

    All things look to you, O Lord, to give them their food in due season. Look in Mercy on your people, and hear our prayer for those whose lives and possessions are threatened by fire. Give protection and wisdom to fire fighters and other emergency service personnel. Encourage our generosity to those who suffer loss. In your mercy restore creation and heal our land. So guide and bless your people, that we may enjoy the fruits of the earth and give you thanks with grateful hearts, through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (prepared by the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne)

    The CCA also prays for the necessary guidance and wisdom for the rehabilitation efforts in the days ahead.

    May you find solace and reassurance in the promise of our Lord who strengthens us, “Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)

    Yours along the journey,

    Mathews George Chunakara,
    General Secretary, CCA

    For the full text of the letter, please click here.