Call for Solidarity with Philippine Churches

The General Secretary, Dr. Ahn Jae Woong, has called for solidarity from Asian churches with the people and churches in the Philippines in view of the current spate of senseless killings of church workers, church members, lawyers, journalists and others who defend the dignity and human rights of the poor and impoverished people in the country.
"On behalf of the staff and officers of the Christian Conference of Asia, may I invite you to join the Philippine churches in mourning not only the ongoing senseless killing of innocent people and prophetic human rights advocates but also the continuing attempt to snuff out dissent and visions of an alternative life in the Philippines," he wrote.
Solidarity can be expressed through letters of comfort and encouragement to the Philippine churches and letters to the Philippine government denouncing these acts of suppression.
In the morning of May 19, leaders and members of several churches and church groups held a "symbolic funeral march" to express their collective frustration and outrage over the brutal killings of Rev. Edison Lapuz, Fr. William Tadena, Joel Baclao and other human rights defenders and activists who simply lived out the social ministries of the churches.