4th School for Ecumenical Leadership Formation, SELF 2007

Dear Friends,
This is my pleasure to share with you that the 4th School for Ecumenical Leadership Formation, SELF 2007 is now opened to the applicants. SELF is an alternate year program, which aims to bring young people a deep understanding about ecumenism and the issues of our society.
This year, SELF will be taking place on September 2nd to 22nd, 2007 in Colombo, Sri Lanka and jointly organized by CCA Youth and World Student Christian Federation Asia-Pacific, WSCF AP. We are sincerely inviting your young people to join us.
The cost of this program will be jointly covered by CCA Youth and WSCF AP. However, your kind support in any amount of expense will be very much appreciated! The dateline for your applications will be on August 20, 2007.
Please kindly send your application form to us at your earliest by either email at [email protected] or fax to (66)53 247303
For more information, kindly contact with us at [email protected]
Program information: