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  1. The continuation committee should develop new ways of strengthening the network of communication among CATS members. This would include the publication of the proceedings of this Congress, bibliographies of Asian theology, and a name list of Asian theologians in various disciplines. We should also make full use of electronic communication facilities by setting up a computer website for CATS. In addition, we should work to establish an Asian Ecumenical Publishing House, initially through co-operation with a Christian publisher in Asia for a series of books on Asian theology.

  2. Existing networks for the training of Asian theologians should be strengthened, with special attention to developing opportunities for younger theologians to meet one another. Exchange programs and dialogues among Asian theological institutions should be part of this. Interdisciplinary studies and networking with non-theological disciplines should also be a priority.

  3. A traveling lectureship in Asian theology should be established among Asian theological institutions to deal with the contributions of Asian theologies and theologians to the ecumenical movement.

  4. New pedagogies and educational processes should be developed by seminaries and theological institutions, in order to facilitate encounter with other religions and cultures. Special attention should also be given to teaching and research on the relationship between theology and ecology.

  5. At the next meeting of CATS, a three day pre-congress gathering of feminist theologians should be orgainzed. This should allow for participation of men who have been conscientized and could consider engaging in dialogue with theologians representing theologies of other discriminated against groups in Asia.

  6. Theological and missiological agendas, including methodologies for teaching and research, should be drawn up by the various disciplinary groups in preparation for the next Congress.

  7. The theological and missiological implications of the recommendations from the various issue groups, disciplinary and interdisciplinary groups should be studied and prioritized by the Continuation Committee.

  8. A study paper elaborating a new Asian vision of mission and ecumenism should be developed, incorporating the insights and ideas emerging from the concerned issue groups and interdisciplinary groups at this Congress.

  9. Resources for liturgy, art, literature and music from Asian religious traditions should be developed in preparation for the next Congress. This could include Bible passages cross referenced with scriptures from other faiths, anthologies of prayers, collection of hymns, etc.

  10. The possibility of a workshop on social ethics, involving scientists, economists and social scientists from Asia should be explored by the continuation committee. It would address important issues including fundamentalism, conflicts, peace and security, social ethics, ecological concerns, the fall out of globalization... ect.

  11. Greetings from this Congress should be sent to relevant institutions in those Asian countries and regions which have not been present with us in Suwon.

  12. Emerging Theologies in Asia should be popularized so that all those engaged in the theological task take serious note of the implications for doing theology in Asia.

  13. A serious attempt should be made to include appropriate Roman Catholic bodies among the supporting bodies.

  14. The Continuation Committee should make serious efforts to implement recommendations put forward by issue groups and disciplinary and Inter-disciplinary groups for formation of societies of biblical scholars, contextual theologians, etc.

  15. We call on theologians from other regions to engage in dialogue with Asian religions in their own countries.



Christian Conference of Asia
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