Once again, the Christian Conference of Asia-Faith, Mission and Unity (CCA-FMU)
is pleased to publish some lectures that were featured in the recent
Ecumenical Lecture Series. These lectures were delivered by a number of
Asian theologians and educators in three separate occasions and venues and
on different themes.
Dyanchand Carr, an Indian theologian, gave three lectures in Payap
University's McGilvary Faculty of Theology. At the time of the lectures, he
was the principal of Tamilnadu Theological Seminary in Madurai, India. This
lecture series, the second to be hosted in Payap University, and held in
January 2003, had the following themes: "The Gospel in Asia with Reference
to the Oppressed and Marginalised Peoples of Asia: Learning from Jesus�
Identification with Galilee and from the Dalit Hermeneutic of the Gospel";
"The Gospel in a Multi-Faith Situation in Asia: Learning from Jesus'
Attitude towards People of Other Faiths"; and "The Gospel in Asia - In the
Context of Majoritarianism and Authoritarianism - Learning from Jesus'
Political Views and Actions".
Sri Lankan Catholic theologian Aloysius Pieris, S. J. gave two lectures in
Colombo, Sri Lanka in July 2002 at the Ecumenical Institute for Study and
Dialogue. Fr. Aloy's lectures were on the following themes: "I Believe in
the Holy Catholic Church and in the Communion of Saints" - The Catholicity
of the Oikoumene and Holiness Beyond the Church" and "I Believe in the
Forgiveness of Sins and the Resurrection of the Body � Reconciliation and
Justice for a New Heaven and a New Earth." The lectures were jointly
organized by the CCA, National Council of Churches in Sri Lanka, and the
Ecumenical Institute for Study and Dialogue.
The lecture series at Myanmar Institute of Theology consisted of five
lectures by four theologians and educators. However, only four were
available in written form, hence only four could be printed in this edition.
Hope Antone of the Philippines was then communication consultant of the CCA
when she gave two lectures at MIT. Kim Heup Young is professor of theology
at Kangnam University in Korea, and Dhyanchand Carr was then principal of
Tamilnadu Theological Seminary in India. The lectures were held in
celebration of the Diamond Jubilee anniversary celebration of MIT in March
2003 which had the overall theme of, "Innovative Methods in Theological
Education." The lectures were jointly organized by CCA, MIT and the
Association of Theological Education in Myanmar.
The Ecumenical Lecture Series is an attempt of the Christian Conference of
Asia to bring together the grassroots, seminaries, and the ecumenical
movement. It also facilitates the exchange of scholars, theologians and
educators throughout Asia. With the support of the different program areas
of the Christian Conference of Asia, scholars from different fields are sent
to various seminaries in Asia to provide fresh thinking and challenges on
various topics and to address emerging issues in Asia. Local support (e.g.
accommodation and board) of the lecturers is provided by the host seminary
or institute.
Asian seminaries and theological institutes are welcome to host the
Ecumenical Lecture Series, suggest a theme or topic that addresses their
contextual needs, and plan with CCA-FMU and the CCA General Secretary for
the logistical arrangements, including the choice of lecturer or lecturers.
Please feel free to write to CCA-FMU and/or the CCA General Secretary.
Hope S. Antone
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